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=== Custom & One-Page Checkout for Woo - Free by WP Masters ===
Contributors: wpmasterscom
Tags: checkout, one-page checkout, custom checkout, shopify-like checkout
Requires at least: 4.7
Tested up to: 6.2
Stable tag: 1.0.1
Requires PHP: 7.0
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

== Description ==
A complete replacement of the standard WooCommerce checkout page with a modernized design with easy navigation and the ability to easily customize styles. The purchase of goods will become phased and will be easier for customers to perceive, which will positively affect the number of orders placed.

Convenient settings allow you to set the company logo, as well as auxiliary links to inform the user about the terms of service, privacy, etc. The design is made as simple as possible and adaptive for all versions of devices. Immediately after activating the plugin, the checkout page will be changed. When disabled, it will return to normal.

= What's inside? =
* Updated CheckOut design
* Customize Settings for CheckOut

= Popular use cases - all automated! =
* Update CheckOut Design
* Simplify CheckOut process

= How to use it =
* Install and activate plugin
* After activation you will see new menu section "Checkout Settings"
* In the plugin settings you can select logo, colors and footer links and after save changes

= WordPress Plugins by WP Masters =
* [Clone Woo Orders – Free by WP Masters]( "")
* [Multiple Carts, Persistent Carts, Abandoned Carts, MultiVendors for Woo – Free by WP Masters]( "")
* [Import Products, Variations and Attributes - Free by WP Masters]( "")

= Tags =
checkout, modern checkout, new checkout, fresh checkout, updated checkout, designed checkout, shopify checkout

== Screenshots ==
1. Modern Checkout page design on Billing details step
2. Select Shipping method
3. Set Shipping address and select Payment method
4. The settings for update colors, logo and links at the bottom

== Changelog ==

= 1.0.1 =
* Minor fix

= 1.0.0 =
* Initial version