Release 1.3.2, Includes lots of changes
We have made lots of changes.
- Added Support for content type
- Support for multiple file uploads
- You can now parse and read PDF files
- Create ASYNC request based on reactphp
Parsing PDF files
[pdf.parse file_path='/var/www/awesome.pdf' data_format='array' o.exit=t /]
[pdf.parse file_path='/var/www/awesome.pdf' data_format='json' o.exit=t /]
[pdf.parse file_path='/var/www/awesome.pdf' o.exit=t /]
Steps to register Content Types
Register a service in Awesome Core: Services
[services.add call_centre_def service_label='Call Centre Definition' post_type='call_centre_def' desc='Call Centre Def' service=yes/]
Create a module 'Main' in the above created service. Define your Content Type here.
[content_types.add ccall_centre/]
As a thumb rule, you should start the name of your Content Type with a 'c' -
Make an entry of the Content Type in Awesome Core: init
Examples of using new Async Shortcodes
Using tickets
[loop.@row template.reply.rows c.not_empty='template.reply.rows']
[env.get @row.item.service o.set='template.queue.{@row.index}.service' /]
[env.get @row.item o.merge_with='template.queue.{@row.index}.data.row' /]
[env.get app.user o.merge_with='template.queue.{@row.index}.data.user' /]
[module.get extras o.merge_with='template.queue.{@row.index}.data.extras' /]
[ tickets={template.queue} app='s' payload_size='2' c.not_empty='template.reply.rows'/]
using custom URLS
[str.create main='{}xhr/query.php' o.set='@test.queue.{@i.index}.url' /]
[ o.set='@test.queue.{@i.index}.data.sql']
INSERT IGNORE INTO t_data (object_id,id)
select object_id,id from data_changes.loan_data_[template.activity /]
where id>[template.job_last_id.scalar /] order by id limit 200;
[ tickets={@test.queue} /]