First try the method described here:
After successful compiling, running and testing then simply try following statement (copy and paste in Matlab and enter):
>> debug_Discrete_Transform(false)
[See the file “debug_Discrete_Transform.m”]
# To compute Discrete Cosine/Sine Transform DCT/DST and inverse Discrete Cosine/Sine Transform IDCT/IDST user can choose/use the following unified syntax:
B=Discrete_Transform (Input array A, Type of Discrete Transform, Type of Transformation, Type of DCT/DST or IDCT/IDST, Dimensions)
B: = output array same type as input array
Input array A: = array, or gpuArray object
Type of Discrete Transform: = sine or cosine
Type of Transformation: = direct or inverse
Type of DCT/DST or IDCT/IDST: = one, two, three or four (I, II, III, IV)
Dimensions: = row or column (dimension to operate along)
For example:
>> a = [1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6; 7, 8, 9]; --- (original input array)
>> a=single (a)
a =
3×3 single matrix
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
>> e=Discrete_Transform (a, 'cosine', 'direct', 'two', 'row')
--- (direct transform)
e =
3×3 single matrix
6.9282 8.6603 10.3923
-4.2426 -4.2426 -4.2426
-0.0000 -0.0000 -0.0000
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