using proteasomes inhibitor, nutritranscriptomics
- Budget management;
- Project manager and executive (wet lab, in silico analyses);
- Performed
wet laboratory
(experiments with Agilent's gene expression and miRNA microarrays as Watson-Crick base paring of indirect transcriptome form cDNA (mRNA, lncRNA, lincRNA, sno/snRNA, ncRNA, miscRNA, miRNA)(none of Hoogsteen base paring procedures), quality controls (pos/neg/spike-in), MTT drug testing (proteasome inhibitor, terpen), total RNA/DNA isolation, purification, quality, quantity (Bioanalyzer, NanoDrop), gene validation (qPCR, primer design, analysis)) - and
in silico
analyses using open-source programming/biostatistical R/RStudio with packages from cran, bioconductor, github repos (pre-processing, numerical validation awareness, glm, Bayesian, multivariate, pathway enrichment analysis). On time delivering wet lab experiments, performing and precaution of misleading computational analysis. Example of microarray analysis.
I am currently looking for a job
. If you are hiring a Computational Oncologist/ Immunologist or a Molecular Biologist or a Laboratory Diagnostician or an UI/ Graphic Designer or an Brand Designer, let me know!