Project: Confidentiality and Access Control in Amazon RDS MySQL
This project aims to use encryption algorithms to encrypt SQL databases.
We use the AES-GCM-256 bit algorithm to encrypt key data columns in the table, with each column having a 256 bit AES key.
We then further use the CP-ABE algorithm to encrypt those 256-bit AES keys based on policies provided by the data owner.
Next, we will set permissions for data users through ABAC based on the policies and attributes provided by the data owner.
Finally, upload the encrypted data to Amazon RDS MySQL for storage.
Data users who want to query must go through 4 layers:
- Bcrypt: used to authenticate passwords
- ABAC: used to authenticate that user's attributes
- CP-ABE: receive public key and secret key based on that user's attributes. Use these two keys to decrypt the encrypted 256-bit AES key. (Depending on the user's attributes and the encryption policy provided previously, CP-ABE will decrypt that key and the user will receive the AES key according to his attributes)
- AES-GCM: after passing the above layers, users can decrypt the data and download it to view.
To be more intuitive, we use the PyQT6 library to create a simple interface.
Currently, the project has only developed the ability to query encrypted data through csv files. In the future we will try to develop more missing features such as: querying that encrypted data in real time,...
- Lai Quan Thien
- Le Minh Quan
- Operating Systems: macOS, Linux. (Currently, this project cannot be developed on Windows using Python. However, there is a similar project available in C/C++ for Windows 11.)
- Programing Language: Python3 (version 3.10.11).
- Libraries:
Make sure you have installed all libraries listed in the Dependencies section. After that, use the package manager pip to install the necessary libraries.
cd Cryptography-Project/main
pip install -r requirements.txt
import mysql.connector
# Connect to MySQL database on Amazon RDS
mydb = mysql.connector.connect(
# Check your database
mycursor = mydb.cursor()
mycursor.execute("SELECT * FROM your_table")
for row in mycursor.fetchall():
cd /Cryptography-Project/main/Data_User/ABAC
cd /Cryptography-Project/main/Data_Owner/ABAC
Configure your MongoDB Connection in file
And remember to edit mysql_config in that file too
After that, you can run this code to check your database:
from pymongo import MongoClient
# Connect to MongoDB
client = MongoClient("mongodb://your-mongodb-uri")
# Select database
db = client.your_database
# Select collection
collection = db.your_collection
# Insert a document
collection.insert_one({"name": "example", "value": 42})
# Query the collection
for document in collection.find():
If you do not want to use the localhost ip address, you can skip this step. Conversely, after creating, put the created files into folders:
- Cryptography-Project/main/Data_Owner/DATA_OWNER_ABE
- Cryptography-Project/main/Data_User/DATA_USER_ABE
- Cryptography-Project/main/Authority_Center
openssl ecparam -genkey -name secp384r1 -out private_key.pem
openssl req -new -sha384 -key private_key.pem -out cert.csr
openssl x509 -req -in cert.csr -signkey private_key.pem -out ecc_cert.pem -days 365 -sha256
- You must first run the server for key generation and setup:
cd Cryptography-Project/main/Authority_Center/
- Data User:
cd Cryptography-Project/main/Data_User/
- Data Owner:
cd Cryptography-Project/main/Data_Owner/
- OpenSSL
- GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library
- The Pairing-Based Cryptography Library
- CryptoPP Library
- Advanced Encryption Standard
- AES-GCM in Python (pyca/cryptography)
- Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption
- Fast Attribute-based Message Encryption
- Bcrypt
- Bcrypt in Python
- Secure Sockets Layer andTransport Layer Security
- PyQT6