Zombie Hunter is a tile-based 2D shooter game with a top-down view developed with the purpose to learn Pygame and game dev related concepts.
In order to run the project you need to have already installed a Python interpreter (>= 3.7), the Python Package Installer (Pip) and Git on your machine.
To clone the git project and configure its dependencies you have to run these commands:
git clone https://github.com/WarriorsSami/ZombieHunter.git
cd ZombieHunter
pip install -r requirements.txt
python main.py
Head-Up Display Components:
- player health bar
- mobs counter
- player score (related to rotations, collision with mobs, items and shots)
- player hit flags for collisions with walls, health packs and mobs
Command List:
W/Arrow Up
to move forwardS/Arrow Down
to move backwardA/Arrow Left
to rotate to the leftD/Arrow Right
to rotate to the rightSpace
to shootQ
to switch between weaponsP
to pause the gameN
to switch between day and night modeEsc
to quit the gameF1
to see colliders
- add Camera
- add Tiled Map
- add Night Mode
- add Items to pick-up
- add Grenade Launcher
- add Explosion Animation
- add multiple levels and maps
- add civilians to be rescued
- add multiple sorts of mobs
- add guns to mobs
- add obstacles that can be manipulated
- add ammunition
- framework docs: Pygame Docs
- base project: KidsCanCode Tile-based game Tutorial
- visual and audio assets: Kenney top-down shooter Pack and Kenney Particle Pack