This repository contains custom scrollbar utilities for Tailwind CSS. These utilities allow you to easily customize the appearance of scrollbars in your web applications using Tailwind CSS.
- Hide Scrollbar: Easily hide the scrollbar across different browsers.
- Direction Utilities: Apply RTL (Right-to-Left) or LTR (Left-to-Right) direction to elements.
- Custom Scrollbar Styling: Customize scrollbar colors, width, and border-radius.
- Dynamic Color, Spacing, and Border-radius: Utilize Tailwind CSS theme colors, spacing, and border-radius values dynamically.
Import the plugin function at the beginning of your Tailwind CSS configuration file:
const plugin = require('tailwindcss/plugin');
Add the provided plugin to your Tailwind CSS configuration file.
plugins: [
plugin(function({ addUtilities, matchUtilities, theme }) {
const colors = theme('colors');
const spacing = theme('spacing');
const borderRadius = theme('borderRadius');
const flattenedColors = Object.keys(colors).reduce((acc, color) => {
const colorShades = colors[color];
if (typeof colorShades === 'string') {
acc[color] = colorShades;
} else {
Object.keys(colorShades).forEach((shade) => {
acc[`${color}-${shade}`] = colorShades[shade];
return acc;
}, {});
'.hide-scrollbar': {
'&::-webkit-scrollbar': {
display: 'none',
'-ms-overflow-style': 'none', /* IE and Edge */
'scrollbar-width': 'none', /* Firefox */
'.direction-right-to-left': {
'direction': 'rtl',
'.direction-left-to-right': {
'direction': 'ltr',
'.scrollbar': {
'--scrollbar-thumb-color': 'transparent',
'--scrollbar-color': 'transparent',
'--scrollbar-width': '0.7rem',
'--scrollbar-rounded': '0',
/* Firefox specific styles using supports query hack */
'@supports (-moz-appearance: none)': {
'scrollbar-color': 'var(--scrollbar-thumb-color) var(--scrollbar-color)',
'&::-webkit-scrollbar': {
'background-color': 'var(--scrollbar-color)',
'width': 'var(--scrollbar-width)',
'border-radius': 'var(--scrollbar-rounded)',
'&::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb': {
'background-color': 'var(--scrollbar-thumb-color)',
'border-radius': 'var(--scrollbar-rounded)',
// Dynamic colors
'scrollbar-thumb-color': (value) => ({
'--scrollbar-thumb-color': value,
'scrollbar-color': (value) => ({
'--scrollbar-color': value,
values: flattenedColors,
type: 'color'
// Dynamic spacing
'scrollbar-w': (value) => ({
'--scrollbar-width': value,
values: spacing,
// Dynamic borderRadius
'scrollbar-rounded': (value) => ({
'--scrollbar-rounded': value,
values: borderRadius,
After adding the plugin to your configuration, you can start using the provided utilities in your HTML.
<div class="hide-scrollbar">
<!-- Your content here -->
<div class="direction-right-to-left">
<!-- Your content here -->
<div class="direction-left-to-right">
<!-- Your content here -->
<div class="scrollbar scrollbar-thumb-color-violet-200 scrollbar-color-black scrollbar-w-2 scrollbar-rounded-full">
<!-- Your content here -->
Please be aware that the utilities scrollbar-w-2
and scrollbar-rounded-full
are specifically designed for WebKit-based browsers.