Add sorting to property list
As a property moderator
I want to sort property lists by different criteria
So that I can choose the best properties more efficiently
We currently have a list of properties which a moderator will review and decide which ones to push through the pipeline to buy. They now want the ability to sort this list so that it is easier for them to work with.
Given I am on the property list page
When the page has loaded
Then I should see a label with the text "Sort by"
And a select drop-down
And the drop-down should have the following options:
- price, high to low
- price, low to high
- bedrooms, high to low
- bedrooms, low to high
- floor area, high to low
- floor area, low to high
- date, newest to oldest
- date, oldest to newest
And the default sort option is price, high to low
Given I am on the property list page
When I select an option from the sort by drop-down
Then the property list is sorted by the option I chose