Docker container for creating and renewing (wildcard) certificates on OVH DNS
As of Certbot 0.26 an OVH plugin has been included. See official changelog on certbot/certbot.
To build the container simply run the following command:
docker build -t certbot-dns-ovh .
An official image is also available on docker's hub:
docker pull weaverize/certbot-dns-ovh
Go to and create an application token with the following rights:
- For
verbs GET, POST, PUT and DELETE (basically all) - For
verbs GET, POST, PUT and DELETE (basically all)
You should use an OVH account that has the corresponding rights, obviously.
The certificate creation and renewal is fully automatic.
You can provide the OVH API credentials using an ovh.conf
file, as describe in
You can also use environment variables instead like in the following example:
docker run -it --rm \
-v $PWD/certs:/etc/letsencrypt \
-v $PWD/lib:/var/lib/letsencrypt \
-e OVH_ENDPOINT=<replace by endpoint> \
-e OVH_APPLICATION_KEY=<replace by key> \
-e OVH_APPLICATION_SECRET=<replace by secret> \
-e OVH_CONSUMER_KEY=<replace by consumer key> \
weaverize/certbot-dns-ovh \
certonly \
--server \
--preferred-challenges dns-01 \
-a certbot-dns-ovh:dns-ovh \
--email <> \
--agree-tos \
--no-eff-email \
-d "<yourdomain>"
-d "<yourotherdomain>"
To be able to create wildcard certificates you have to use the following endpoint (like in the example above):
Inspired by mcdado/certbot-dns-ovh and antoiner77/
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