$ npm install jsov --save
and then, require it
var JsOV=require('jsov');
$ bower install jsov --save
and then, require it
var JsOV=require('jsov');
<script type='text/javascript' src='JsOV.js'><script>
Now you can use JsOV
object to access various functions.
In its simlplest essence, Javascript Object Validator(JsOV) can be used as
var result=JsOV.schemaValidator(Schema,Obj);
The above function schemaValidator
takes two arguments, the Schema
of the object you want to validate and the Object
For example lets consider an object
var Obj={
And the schema for the above object is
var Schema = {
'type': 'Object',
'required': true,
'message': 'Perfectoo',
'data': {
'title': {
'type': 'String',
'validation': {
'RegEx': 'abc'
'variations': {
'type': 'Array',
'required': true,
'validation': function(data) {
if (data.length > 1)
return true;
return false;
'dataType': 'Object',
'data': [{
'title': {
'type': 'String',
'required': true
'message': {
'type': 'String',
'required': true
'cta': {
'type': 'Object',
'validation': function(cta) {
if (cta.actionLink === 'abc')
return true;
return false;
'required': true,
'data': {
'type': {
'type': 'String',
'required': true,
'validation': function(type) {
if (type === 'DEEP_LINK' || type === 'EXTERNAL_URL')
return true;
return false;
'actionLink': {
'type': 'String',
'required': true
Now schemaValidator
function will take these two arguments and will return the following output
var result = {
'title': {
'value': 'abc',
'valid': true,
'message': ''
'variations': [{
'title': {
'value': 'p1',
'valid': true,
'message': ''
'message': '',
'cta': {
'type': {
'value': 'DEEP_LINK',
'valid': true,
'message': ''
'actionLink': {
'message': '',
'valid': true,
'value': 'abc'
'valid': true,
'message': ''
'valid': true
}, {
'title': {
'value': 'p2',
'valid': true,
'message': ''
'message': '',
'cta': {
'type': {
'value': 'EXTERNAL',
'valid': false,
'message': ''
'actionLink': {
'message': '',
'valid': false
'valid': false,
'message': '',
'value': 'https://jsv.com'
'valid': false
'valid': false,
'message': 'Perfectoo'
As you can see the resultant object gives you capability to drill down to any level to know whether that property is true or false. Plus not only that, if the outcome of a property is false, this information is bubbled up to all its parents upto the object level.e.g
result.variations[0].valid //true
result.variations[1].valid //false
To get the value of a property
result.variations[0].title.value //p1
If there is an message you want to add to a property (like in case of error messages)
result.message //Perfectoo
All this sounds good, but what about the pain you are going to incur while creating the Schema. Below is your Answer
So what does it take to generate your Schema.
var Schema=JsOV.generateSchema(Obj,true);
Yeah, that's it and you are ready with your boilerplate Schema. The first argument is your Object for which you need to generate schema and the second object is whether you want all your fields to be required or not. E.g
var Obj={
'street':'Coder's street',
And your output will be (After using JSON.Stringify)
'type': 'Object',
'required': true,
'validation': '',
'data': {
'name': {
'type': 'String',
'required': true,
'validation': ''
'address': {
'type': 'Object',
'required': true,
'validation': '',
'data': {
'street': {
'type': 'String',
'required': true,
'validation': ''
'city': {
'type': 'String',
'required': true,
'validation': ''
There are two ways you can add validations
You can write a custom function to evaluate your property. E.g consider an object
var obj = {
'cta': {
'type': 'DEEP_LINK',
'actionLink': 'abc'
and its schema
var Schema = {
'cta': {
'type': 'Object',
'validation': function(cta) { //validation 1
if (cta.actionlink === 'abc')
return true;
return false;
'required': true,
'data': {
'type': {
'type': 'String',
'required': true,
'validation': function(type, global) { //validation 2
if (type === 'DEEP_LINK' || type === 'EXTERNAL_URL')
return true;
return false;
'actionLink': {
'type': 'String',
'required': true
Here validation 1 will take
'type': 'DEEP_LINK',
'actionLink': 'abc'
as its argument and validation 2 will take
'cta': {
'type': 'DEEP_LINK',
'actionLink': 'abc'
NOTE: here as you can see validation 2 function has a second argument. Second argument is optional, which provides you your whole object to perform complex validations.
Using inbuilt validation properties
//this will match whether the value of the property aginst the specified regex string
var Schema = {
'type': 'Object',
'required': true,
'message': 'Perfectoo',
'data': {
'title': {
'type': 'String',
'validation': { //Do it this way
'RegEx': 'abc'
Just Like RegEx there are various kind of validations that are provided by JSV, below is the list
- RegEx
NOTE: Incase there is any kind of validation that you want to add to the your custom validation to use them reapeatedly in your projet, you can use.
/*This function will take two arguments where key is value of the property inside validation object (like here it is 2) and the second argument is the actual vale in original object against the key*/
return val.length < = key;
and then to use this
var Schema = {
'type': 'Object',
'required': true,
'message': 'Perfectoo',
'data': {
'title': {
'type': 'String',
'validation': { //Do it this way
'MaxLen': 2