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WebEngage Unity

WebEngage Unity plugin is for Android and iOS apps built with Unity. This unity-package will not work on any other platform.


  1. Download the WebEngageUnity.unitypackage.

  2. Import the downloaded unitypackage into your Unity project through Assets > Import Package > Custom Package....

  3. Replace the AAR file at Assets/Plugins/Android/webengage-android-unity-X.X.X.aar with the latest webengage-android-unity.aar.

  4. Replace the framework file at Assets/Plugins/iOS/WebEngage.framework with the latest WebEngage framework. Unzip the downloaded zip file to get the framework.

Update Android

  1. Replace the AAR file at Assets/Plugins/Android/webengage-android-unity-X.X.X.aar with the latest webengage-android-unity.aar.

Update iOS

  1. Download latest XCFramework for WebEngage

  2. Unzip zip file to get XCFramework file

  3. Copy Unzipped XCFramework inside your project folder

  4. Open Unity iOS Project in XCode

  5. In Xcode, go to your Targets, under UnityFramework Target, select Build Phases

  6. Add XCFramework under Link Binary With Libraries, You can drag and drop XCFramework or add thourgh + option under it



  1. For Android, add the following meta-data tags in Assets/Plugins/Android/AndroidManifest.xml file of your Unity project.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


	    <meta-data android:name="" android:value="YOUR-WEBENGAGE-LICENSE-CODE" />

	    <!-- true if development build else false -->
	    <meta-data android:name="" android:value="true" />


If AndroidManifest.xml file does not exist in Assets/Plugins/Android/ directory of your Unity project, then you can create a new AndroidManifest.xml file and copy the below content in it.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


        <meta-data android:name="" android:value="YOUR-WEBENGAGE-LICENSE-CODE" />

        <meta-data android:name="" android:value="true" />



                    android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />

                    android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />

                    android:name="android.intent.category.LEANBACK_LAUNCHER" />

                android:value="true" />

Note: Replace YOUR-WEBENGAGE-LICENSE-CODE with your own WebEngage license code.

  1. Initialize the WebEngage SDK at start of your application.
using WebEngageBridge;

public class YourScript : MonoBehaviour
    private void Awake()
  1. For iOS, add the following values in /Assets/Editor/WebEngagePostProcessBuild.cs file.

public class WebEngagePostProcessBuild
   public static void EditXcodePlist(BuildTarget buildTarget, string pathToBuiltProject)
       if (buildTarget == BuildTarget.iOS)
       	// Add your WebEngage license code

       	// Set debug log level
           string logLevel = "VERBOSE";

Note: Replace YOUR-WEBENGAGE-LICENSE-CODE with your own WebEngage license code.

  1. Initialize the WebEngage SDK in your AppDelegate.m class.
#import <WebEngage/WebEngage.h>

-(BOOL)application:(UIApplication*) application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary*) options
    [[WebEngage sharedInstance] application:application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:options];

If you are not already implementing AppDelegate.m in your Unity app, then create a new file at /Assets/Plugins/iOS/OverrideAppDelegate.m and copy the below contents in it.

#import "UnityAppController.h"
#import <WebEngage/WebEngage.h>

@interface OverrideAppDelegate : UnityAppController


@implementation OverrideAppDelegate

-(BOOL)application:(UIApplication*) application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary*) options
    [[WebEngage sharedInstance] application:application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:options];
    return [super application:application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:options];


Attribution Tracking

In order to track 'App Installed' events and install-referrer URLs in Android, follow the steps below.

  1. Make sure that you are using webengage-android-unity.aar version 3.16.0 or above.

  2. Download the latest version of Android Install Referrer library (aar).

  3. Add the aar file to your Unity project at the location /Assets/Plugins/Android/installreferrer-X.X.X.aar.

Tracking Users

  1. Login and Logout
using WebEngageBridge;

public class YourScript : MonoBehaviour

    // User login

    // User logout
  1. Set system user attributes as shown below.
using WebEngageBridge;

public class YourScript : MonoBehaviour
    // Set user first name

    // Set user last name

    // Set user email

    // Set user hashed email

    // Set user phone number

    // Set user hashed phone number

    // Set user gender, allowed values are ['male', 'female', 'other']

    // Set user birth-date, supported format: 'yyyy-mm-dd'

    // Set user company

    // Set opt-in status, channels: ['push', 'in_app', 'email', 'sms']
    WebEngage.SetOptIn("push", true);

    // Set user location
    double latitude = 19.0822;
    double longitude = 72.8417;
    WebEngage.SetLocation(latitude, longitude);
  1. Set custom user attributes as shown below.
using WebEngageBridge;
    // Set custom user attributes
    WebEngage.SetUserAttribute("age", 25);
    WebEngage.SetUserAttribute("premium", true);

    // Set multiple custom user attributes
    Dictionary<string, object> customAttributes = new Dictionary<string, object>();
    customAttributes.Add("Twitter Email", "");
    customAttributes.Add("Subscribed", true);

Note: WebEngage SDK only supports the following data-types: string, bool, int, long, float, double, DateTime, List and Dictionary.

  1. Delete custom user attributes as shown below.
using WebEngageBridge;

Tracking Events

Track custom events as shown below.

using WebEngageBridge;

    // Track simple event
    WebEngage.TrackEvent("Product - Page Viewed");

    // Track event with attributes
    Dictionary<string, object> orderPlacedAttributes = new Dictionary<string, object>();
    orderPlacedAttributes.Add("Amount", 808.48);
    orderPlacedAttributes.Add("Product 1 SKU Code", "UHUH799");
    orderPlacedAttributes.Add("Product 1 Name", "Armani Jeans");
    orderPlacedAttributes.Add("Product 1 Price", 300.49);
    orderPlacedAttributes.Add("Product 1 Size", "L");
    orderPlacedAttributes.Add("Product 2 SKU Code", "FBHG746");
    orderPlacedAttributes.Add("Product 2 Name", "Hugo Boss Jacket");
    orderPlacedAttributes.Add("Product 2 Price", 507.99);
    orderPlacedAttributes.Add("Product 2 Size", "L");
    orderPlacedAttributes.Add("Delivery Date", System.DateTime.ParseExact("2017-10-21 09:27:37.100", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff", null));
    orderPlacedAttributes.Add("Delivery City", "San Francisco");
    orderPlacedAttributes.Add("Delivery ZIP", "94121");
    orderPlacedAttributes.Add("Coupon Applied", "BOGO17");
    WebEngage.TrackEvent("Order Placed", orderPlacedAttributes);

    // Track complex event
    Dictionary<string, object> product1 = new Dictionary<string, object>();
    product1.Add("SKU Code", "UHUH799");
    product1.Add("Product Name", "Armani Jeans");
    product1.Add("Price", 300.49);

    Dictionary<string, object> detailsProduct1 = new Dictionary<string, object>();
    detailsProduct1.Add("Size", "L");
    product1.Add("Details", detailsProduct1);

    Dictionary<string, object> product2 = new Dictionary<string, object>();
    product2.Add("SKU Code", "FBHG746");
    product2.Add("Product Name", "Hugo Boss Jacket");
    product2.Add("Price", 507.99);

    Dictionary<string, object> detailsProduct2 = new Dictionary<string, object>();
    detailsProduct2.Add("Size", "L");
    product2.Add("Details", detailsProduct2);

    Dictionary<string, object> deliveryAddress = new Dictionary<string, object>();
    deliveryAddress.Add("City", "San Francisco");
    deliveryAddress.Add("ZIP", "94121");

    Dictionary<string, object> orderPlacedAttributes = new Dictionary<string, object>();
    List<object> products = new List<object>();

    List<string> coupons = new List<string>();

    orderPlacedAttributes.Add("Products", products);
    orderPlacedAttributes.Add("Delivery Address", deliveryAddress);
    orderPlacedAttributes.Add("Coupons Applied", coupons);

    WebEngage.TrackEvent("Order Placed", orderPlacedAttributes);

Note: WebEngage SDK only supports the following data-types: string, bool, int, long, float, double, DateTime, List and Dictionary.

Push Notifications for Android

1. Using FCM Unity Plugin

  1. Import FCM Unity plugin as instructed here into your Unity project.

  2. If you have replaced the Assets/Plugins/Android/AndroidManifest.xml then make sure to add back your WebEngage license-code and debug-mode meta-data tags in the AndroidManifest.xml file.

  3. In your script where you have registered callbacks for OnTokenReceived and OnMessageReceived, add the following code snippets.

using WebEngageBridge;
    Firebase.FirebaseApp.CheckAndFixDependenciesAsync().ContinueWith(task => {
        var dependencyStatus = task.Result;
        if (dependencyStatus == Firebase.DependencyStatus.Available)
            Firebase.Messaging.FirebaseMessaging.TokenReceived += OnTokenReceived;
            Firebase.Messaging.FirebaseMessaging.MessageReceived += OnMessageReceived;
    public void OnTokenReceived(object sender, Firebase.Messaging.TokenReceivedEventArgs token)

    public void OnMessageReceived(object sender, Firebase.Messaging.MessageReceivedEventArgs e)
        Dictionary<string, string> data = new Dictionary<string, string>(e.Message.Data);
        if (data.ContainsKey("source") && "webengage".Equals(data["source"]))

Push notifications will work as expected when app is in foreground.

Note: Drawback of this approach is that push notifications will not be shown when app is in background. However those push notifications are cached and will be shown on next app launch. If you wish to prevent this drawback, then follow the Overriding FCM Unity Plugin approach given below.

2. Overriding FCM Unity Plugin

  1. Import FCM Unity plugin as instructed here into your Unity project.

  2. If you have replaced the Assets/Plugins/Android/AndroidManifest.xml then make sure to add back your WebEngage license-code and debug-mode meta-data tags in the AndroidManifest.xml file.

  3. Download and add the webengage-android-fcm.aar file in Assets/Plugins/Android/ directory of your Unity project.

  4. Add the following service tag in your Assets/Plugins/Android/AndroidManifest.xml file as shown below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


        <service android:name="">
                <action android:name="" />

  1. Update the FCM registration token on app start as shown below.
using WebEngageBridge;


Push Notifications for iOS

  1. Build your iOS app through Unity Editor and open Unity-iPhone.xcodeproj in your Xcode IDE.

  2. Select your main app target (Unity-iPhone), under Capabilities enable Push Notifications.

  3. Also under Capabilities enable Background Modes and check Remote notifications.

Rich Push Notifications

  1. Enable Push Notifications, App Groups and add the app group group.<your-bundle-identifier>.WEGNotificationGroup to your App ID from your Apple Developer Account. Download and install the updated provisioning profile of your app in your Xcode.

1. Banner Push Notifications

  1. Add a new App Bundle ID <your-bundle-identifier>.NotificationService, enable Push Notifications, App Groups and add the group group.<your-bundle-identifier>.WEGNotificationGroup in this newly created App ID from your Apple Developer Account. Download and install the provisioning profile of this App ID in your Xcode.

  2. Download the WebEngageNotificationService.unitypackage.

  3. Import the downloaded unitypackage into your Unity project through Assets > Import Package > Custom Package....

  4. Build your iOS app through Unity Editor and open Unity-iPhone.xcodeproj in your Xcode IDE.

  5. Verify that NotificationService extension is added and linked to your main app target.

2. Rating and Carousel Push Notifications

  1. Add the App Bundle ID <your-bundle-identifier>.NotificationViewController, enable Push Notifications, App Groups and add the group group.<your-bundle-identifier>.WEGNotificationGroup in this newly created App ID from your Apple Developer Account. Download and install the provisioning profile of this App ID in your Xcode.

  2. Download the WebEngageNotificationContent.unitypackage.

  3. Import the downloaded unitypackage into your Unity project through Assets > Import Package > Custom Package....

  4. Build your iOS app through Unity Editor and open Unity-iPhone.xcodeproj in your Xcode IDE.

  5. Verify that NotificationViewController extension is added and linked to your main app target.

Troubleshooting for Rich Push Notifications

1. If you are facing integration or build issues with rich-push notification unity plugins, then try adding the extensions and pods manually.

  1. Remove the WebEngageNotificationService.unitypackage and WebEngageNotificationContent.unitypackage plugins (if added).

  2. Build your iOS app through Unity Editor and open Unity-iPhone.xcodeproj in your Xcode IDE.

  3. Follow the instructions at WebEngage documentation.

In-app Notifications

No additional steps are required for in-app notifications.

Tracking Screens

using WebEngageBridge;
    // Set screen name
    WebEngage.ScreenNavigated("Purchase Screen");

    // Update current screen data
    Dictionary<string, object> currentData = new Dictionary<string, object>();
    currentData.Add("productId", "~hs7674");
    currentData.Add("price", 1200);

    // Set screen name with data
    Dictionary<string, object> data = new Dictionary<string, object>();
    data.Add("productId", "~hs7674");
    data.Add("price", 1200);
    WebEngage.ScreenNavigated("Purchase Screen", data);


Push Notification Callbacks

Set up callbacks in your Unity project by following these steps:

1. Push Notification Received (Only For Android Platform) :

  • SetPushReceivedCallBack allows you to obtain a callback when you get a push notification.

  • Create [MonoPInvokeCallback(typeof(callback))] type method with any name in which you wish to receive callback


    public static void pushReceivedCallback(string json)
        Debug.Log("/*/*/*/* Unity Callback received on PUSH NOTIFICATION RECEIVED”);
  • Add SetPushReceivedCallBack in your C#(.cs) code and send the previously constructed function as an argument Eg.

As a result, whenever you receive a push notification, the code defined in the callback handler will run.

2. Push Notification Clicked :

  • setPushClickCallBack allows you to obtain a callback when you click a push notification.

  • Create [MonoPInvokeCallback(typeof(callback))] type method with any name in which you wish to receive callback


public static void handlepushNotificationClicked(string json)
	Debug.Log("/*/*/*/* Unity Callback received on PUSH NOTIFICATION CLICKED");
  • Add setPushClickCallBack in your C#(.cs) code and send the previously constructed function as an argument Eg.

As a result, whenever you click a push notification, the code defined in the callback handler will run.

InApp Notification Callbacks

Set up callbacks in your Unity project by following these steps:

1. InApp Notification Prepared :

  • setInAppPreparedCallBack allows you to obtain a callback when InApp Notification is prepared.

  • Create [MonoPInvokeCallback(typeof(callback))] type method with any name in which you wish to receive callback


    public static void handleInAppNotificationPrepared(string json)
        Debug.Log("/*/*/*/* Unity Callback received on InApp Notification prepared”);
  • Add setInAppPreparedCallBack in your C#(.cs) code and send the previously constructed function as an argument Eg.

As a result, whenever you receive a push notification, the code defined in the callback handler will run.

2. InApp Notification Shown :

  • setInAppShownCallBack allows you to obtain a callback when InApp Notification is shown on the screen.

  • Create [MonoPInvokeCallback(typeof(callback))] type method with any name in which you wish to receive callback


public static void handleInAppNotificationShown(string json)
	Debug.Log("/*/*/*/* Unity Callback received on InApp Notification Shown“);
  • Add setInAppShownCallBack in your C#(.cs) code and send the previously constructed function as an argument



As a result, whenever InApp Notification is shown on to the screen, the code defined in the callback handler will run.

3. InApp Notification Clicked :

  • setInAppClickedCallBack allows you to obtain a callback when InApp Notification is Clicked.

  • Create [MonoPInvokeCallback(typeof(callback))] type method with any name in which you wish to receive callback


public static void handleInAppNotificationClicked(string json)
	Debug.Log("/*/*/*/* Unity Callback received on InApp Notification Clicked“);
  • Add setInAppClickedCallBack in your C#(.cs) code and send the previously constructed function as an argument



As a result, whenever InApp Notification is Clicked, the code defined in the callback handler will run.

4. InApp Notification Dismissed :

  • setInAppDismissedCallBack allows you to obtain a callback when InApp Notification is Dismissed.

  • Create [MonoPInvokeCallback(typeof(callback))] type method with any name in which you wish to receive callback


public static void handleInAppNotificationDismissed(string json)
	Debug.Log("/*/*/*/* Unity Callback received on InApp Notification Dismissed“);
  • Add setInAppDismissedCallBack in your C#(.cs) code and send the previously constructed function as an argument



As a result, whenever InApp Notification is Dismissed, the code defined in the callback handler will run.


WebEngage Unity Package for Android and iOS apps






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Contributors 3
