This Docker image is intended for easy use of Humdrum.
The repo for this image is on Github. Prebuild Docker images are available on Dockerhub.
Humdrum is a set of command-line tools that facilitates musical analysis, as well as a generalized syntax for representing sequential streams of data.
Installation of Humdrum tools on the Docker host is not required.
There are Humdrum music samples included in the image from Chopin, Joplin, Bach, Haydn, Hummel, Mozart, Scarlatti, Beethoven, ...
Have frun using Humdum!
- New: Shifted to Ubuntu 21.04
- New: Shifted to Ubuntu 20.04
- New: Shifted to Ubuntu 19.10
- Fix: Makefile, remove waste from Alpine-Image
- initial release based on Ubuntu 18.04
You need preinstalled
- Docker
- Docker Compose
- Make
for even more ease of use (see below).
Directly execute Humdrum commands.
Let's take a sample from J.S. Bach Die Kunst der Fuge:
This reads in Humdrum **kern
format (see the filebach.krn
) as:
When executing the command for the first time the Docker image is being pulled from Dockerhub. The Humdrum command here is census -k
for performing basic analysis of a Humdrum input:
> cat bach.krn | docker run weesee/humdrum census -k
The output should be something like
Number of data tokens: 13
Number of null tokens: 0
Number of multiple-stops: 0
Number of data records: 13
Number of comments: 0
Number of interpretations: 5
Number of records: 18
Number of note-heads: 8
Number of notes: 8
Longest note: 2
Shortest note: 4
Highest note: a
Lowest note: c#
Number of rests: 1
Maximum number of voices: 1
Number of single barlines: 4
Number of double barlines: 0
You can read about the census command here.
Or enter the container with a bash:
docker run -it weesee/humdum
The Humdrum build process is quite complex. There are sill some errors in the build process. However the basic Humdrum commands can be executed.
The build process is done at user level. The user 'humdrummy' has its home directory at /app.
In the Docker image there are installed
- Humdrum tools
- sample music data in
(Chopin, Joplin, Bach, Haydn, Hummel, Mozart, Scarlatti, Beethoven, ...) - documentation in
Start with cloning this repo:
> git clone
This tools help using Humdrum even simpler. Now start playing with Humdrum:
Show commands:
> make
Start shell to enter the container:
> make bash
Execute Humdrum commands on local files:
> cat bach.krn | docker-compose run app "census -k"
This repo builds upon and was inspired by
(C) Copyright, 2020