PocketMine-MP plugin, that displays information about player (or IP) active ban and saves players ban history.
- Display information about player's or IP's active ban.
- Display player's ban history since plugin installation.
- Multi-language support individually for each player based on the device lang.
- You can overrite plugin's messages as you want, just follow Instruction.
- /bi <player> – Display information about banned player.
- /bi-ip <IP> – Display information about banned IP adress.
- /pbans <player> [page] - Display player's ban history.
- /clearhistory <player> [days] - Clear ban history about specified player older than
days or, if not specified, delete all. - /bans2history - Create a banned players' history based on banlist (only active bans).
- /purgebans [days] - Removes all history older than
(default: 30)
- baninfo.commands.baninfo – Allow to use /bi
- baninfo.commands.baninfo.ip – Allow to use /bi-ip
- baninfo.commands.history - Allow to use /pbans
- baninfo.commands.history.other - Allows to see other players' history
- baninfo.commands.clearhistory - Allow to use /clearhistory
- baninfo.commands.bans2history - Allow to use /bans2history
- baninfo.commands.purgehistory - Allow to use /purgebans
To change the plugin messages (or create your own non-official translation), you must create a .yml file called language code in /plugins/BanInfo/locales/.
For example: /plugins/BanInfo/locales/en.yml.
Now enter the key (codename) of the message nd the new value, like this:
baninfo.player.description: "Information about player's active ban"
baninfo.player.usage: "§c§lUsage: §r§7/baninfo <player>"
baninfo.player.not_banned: "§4[BanInfo] §cPlayer not banned"
- January
- February
- ...
- December
Messages codenames you can get here.
If there is no translation of any message in your .yml file, then the default message will be used.