Fancy pants
- Added full touch support
- Added Trackbars
- Rewrote scrolling in lists. This means scroll animations!
- Completely fixed all rendering artifacts and slowdowns in 3D games
- Fixed crashes when adding items to a list and clearing it after it has been created already
- Added functions to change OverlayFrame title and subtitle
- Added HeaderOverlayFrame that allows for custom drawn headers above the usual content
- Fixed joy stick input only working properly in handheld mode
- Make all draw functions take int32s now
- Lots of style fixes and fancy pants things by @HookedBehemoth
- Holding down directional button to scroll in lists
- Trackbar improvements
- ListItem text scrolling and truncation if it's too long
- libtesla now uses raw fs calls instead of stdio which reduces file size by a lot by @HookedBehemoth
- Lots of fixes and internal improvements by @diwo
Thanks a ton to all contributors!