Converts a simple html page into A RecyclerView
of native android widgets powered by Jsoup library and inspired by Medium Textview.
This library was design and developed by ME and we use this in our application which depends on a Content Management system and was never intended to replace browsers or act as one. this library simply gave us more control over html page than
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.m7mdra:HtmlRecycler:0.1.11'
This project is distributed using jitpack. Make sure you add it as a maven repository to your build.gradle
allprojects {
repositories {
maven {
url ''
- Or simply
git clone
the repository and build theapp
- Paragraph
- H1...H6
- Image
- Video
- Audio
- Ordered List
- Unordered List
- Description List
- Anchor Link
- IFrame
- Table
val networkSource = NetworkSource("")
.setAdapter(DefaultElementsAdapter(this@MainActivity) { element, i, view ->
.setLoadingCallback(object : HtmlRecycler.LoadCallback {
override fun onLoadingStart() {
progressBar.visibility = View.VISIBLE
override fun onLoaded(document: Document?) {
progressBar.visibility = View.GONE
The above code uses the existing implementation of DefaultElementsAdapter
which extends
class which inherently is a RecylcerView Adpater
the DefaultElementsAdapter
uses a layout resources files defined by me but they not styled probably and are very buggy (especially the video, audio and iframe ones).
Want to create your own adapter? just simply extend ElementsAdapter
and override methods:
class BetterImplementationThanTheAuthorsAdapter : ElementsAdapter() {
override fun onCreateElement(parent: ViewGroup, elementType: ElementType): RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
when (elementType) {
ElementType.Paragraph -> {
return ParagraphViewHolder(LayoutInflater.from(parent.context).inflate(R.layout.row_paragarph, parent, false))
// Define other elements here
override fun onBindElement(holder: RecyclerView.ViewHolder, position: Int) {
val element = elements[position] //current element
if (holder is ParagraphViewHolder){
val paragraphElement = element as ParagraphElement
holder.paragraphText.text= paragraphElement.text
Then replace the default adapter with your adapter:
.setAdapter(BetterImplementationThanTheAuthorsAdapter()) // this is a custom adapter
Data can come from different sources, the library support the following:
- Assets
- File
- String
- Network (runs on
UI thread
by default so you have to run it on different thread or write your own Source Implementation )
Simply implement the Source
interface which will return a Document
of the parsed Source
class FileSource(val file: File) : Source {
override fun get(): Document {
return Jsoup.parse(file, "UTF-8")
In DefaultElemetsAdapter
class at line #27 l i defined a higher-order-function in the constructor method (which dose the same as defining an interface) and on line #75 we envoke the method passing our element and the position of the clicked view.
- Define a standard Layout styling.
- allow
to run onUI thread
without crashing. - Support the following elements:
- Test Element Extractors for different data sets.
add more control over paragraph element.paragraph element will be rendered using theandroid.text.Html
class rather than handled by the library - other thing that i come up with...
PR are welcome just use crtl+alt+L or (command + alt+L for mac ... idk if right) after every time your finish write code to format it.
if you are using this library in your project let me by sending an email at know and i will post it here.
- be the first on the list.