As the development in the TwinCAT environment continues, even if no new code is written, content of some files changes, and these changes raises a need to commit. To avoid this situation, a proper .gitginore file should be used. That's why .gitignore file plays a significant role when it comes to using git with TwinCAT3 and TwinCAT3 HMI.
- *.library
- *.compiled-library
- *.compileinfo
- *.bootinfo
- *.bootinfo_guids
- *.tpy
- *.tmc
- *.tmcRefac
- *.project.~u
- *.tclrs
- *.tclrq
- *.tnzip
- *.tpzip
- *.tszip
- *.tsproj.bk?
- *.xti.bak
- *.xti.bk?
- LineIDs.dbg
- LineIDs.dbg.bak
- _Boot/
- _CompileInfo/
- _Libraries/
- _ModuleInstall/
- _Deployment/
- _Repository/
- Packages
- blob_storage/
- .engineering_servers/
- tsconfig.json
- liveview*.html
As it can be seen above, .tmc file is untracked; however, in some cases .tmc file should be tracked. Here are two possible cases.
- If the project includes TwinCAT C++ project
- If "Standalone" project are being used