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Wiki Archiving Guide

AndrewS-GH edited this page Mar 6, 2021 · 1 revision

Lexos Wiki Archiving Guide

For groups working on Lexos, before editing documentation, you first want to archive the current Lexos Wiki.

Cloning the Wiki

You will want to clone the wiki to your local machine.

Open up git bash and change directories to a folder you want to store the Lexos wiki temporarily.

Then you will want to use the command git clone to clone the wiki to your current working directory.


Open the folder on your machine, you will want to create a zip of all of the markdown files.

Title the zip with the current date in YYYY_MM_DD format, ie: 2021_03_06.

Move your new zipped folder to the Archives folder.

In git bash change your directory to your clone of the wiki, commit, and push your changes.

Clone this wiki locally