Releases: WhirligigGirl/New_Horizons
Releases · WhirligigGirl/New_Horizons
Rekerjiggered 2.1 Prerelease
- Sun changes: It's now a G4IV subgiant star, luminosity changed to reflect the scale of the system and Sonnah and Laythe's orbits.
- Unique Body Identifiers for every body, stock and new ones alike.
- Kopernicus is now patched FOR[NewHorizons], not AFTER[Kopernicus].
- Changed LAN of Astid to align it within the rings of Arin.
- Add IC star position.
- New names and descriptions for stock bodies, with new star name "Novus Horizontum."
- Tweak light intensity curves.
- Make asteroids only discoverable when the planet or star has been reached, if IC is installed.