Set a QR code schema that all the shops in the country can follow. This will allow developers to create Android and iOS applications that will follow the schema as a standard, so that there will be no clashes when different people use different apps.
Making QR codes that allow users to share personal banking details safely and efficiently
Create an open source Android and iOS app that will scan the QR code easily
- The data of the user must fit into the QR code
- The data must be able to serialize and de-serialize without issue on any programming language of choice
- The data must be readable even when scanned normally (this means the data MUST NOT be compressed to bypass requirement 1)
- Must not use any proprietary software as this is an Open Standard (this rules out Microsoft Tags)
- Data must be readable offline (the data can't point to a website which then loads the details)
This option allows multiple types of data to be added in a very flexible way. It also supports multi account and multi contacts.
"Ver": "2.0",
//BML Account Number
"AccNum": "7770-0000-54321",
// Account Name as displayed on BML
"Name": "Company Name - MVR",
/// 1 = MVR
/// 0 = USD
"Type": 0,
// contact number to send the payment slip to
"Numb": "+960 712 3456"
This is a simpler and lighter version of Heavy Json, but it only supports single contact and account.
//BML Account Number
// Account Name as displayed on BML
Name=Company Name - MVR
/// 1 = MVR
/// 0 = USD
//contact number to send the payment slip to
Numb=+960 712 3456
An alternative to json as there are less characters being used.
//BML Account Number
Company Name
+960 712 3456
This is a raw text version where regex is used to detect contact number and account number. A single digit is assigned to the currency, and the account name will be the only string.
Company Name,Company Name
+960 712 3456,@username
An updated version of RAW 1.
This method uses CSV and Regex as well as line numbers to phase the text. This method is very readable but not easily scalable. In place of CSV we could also use TSV.
>Company Name
>Company Name
Nested Text is a simpler and much more readable alternative to JSON
ver: '1.0'
# Supported payment options (as well as their schema) must be defined in standard
- type: BML
num: '7000000000000'
# Currency omitted; assumed to be MVR
- type: BML
num: '7000000000000'
curr: USD
- type: MIB
num: '90000000000000000'
curr: MVR
# Supported contact types must be defined in standard
# Supports either single values ...
telegram: '@Username'
# ... or multiple values
- '+9607777777'
- '+9609999999'
This builds on to the Heavy Json suggestion, with some improvements:
- YAML has shorter syntax than JSON, and is widely supported already
- Uses shorter keys than Heavy Json, while still remaining human-readable where necessary, as per requirement 3
- Uses shorter schema for contact information
- Uses established currency codes (more readable, as well as future-proof as there's no need to assign arbitrary values ourselves)
- Currency is optional (MVR assumed if it's not defined)
- Not explicitly linked to BML; can include other banks or payment options
- Excludes the "Extra" object: such info should ideally be printed in multiple languages next to the code instead
👤account name
🇲🇻mvr account number
💲doller account number
This is an improved version of INI :
- Universal language of emojis. Anyone can see and understand what each emoji means.
- uses shorter keys. Each emoji is 2 char’s max
- scalable since we can just keep on adding more emojis and assigning meaning to each one
- flexible since can store data on any line. As long first char of the line is an emoji user and dev will know what it stands for.
- easy to code. Read line by line and check emoji to know where the data is meant to go