Gazetteer of places mentioned in
name | description | example |
wikidata_id | unique identifier (UID) used in Wikidata | Q142 |
primary_name | name, usually in English | Armenia |
enwiki_title | title of wikipedia article | Georgia (country) |
alternative_names | aliases, acronymns and other names | Грузи,জর্জিয়া,格鲁吉亚,Georgien,འཇོར་ཇི་ཡ,... |
country | name of country | Germany |
country_code | country code | FR |
wikidata_classes | place is an instance of these classes | member state of the European Union; island nation ... |
elevation | in raw units from wikidata | 52.0 |
geonames_id | id that corresponds to GeoNames record | 614540 |
latitude | latitude in decimal degrees | 42.016669444444 |
longitude | longitude in decimal degrees | 43.733330555556 |
population | population | 3729500.0 |
osm_id | id in OpenStreetMap | 51477 |
astronomical_body | name of planet, moon, or other body | Mars |
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