This is an nginx server with several functions.
Note that it's possible to accomplish all these things in one container, but putting the proxy ("proxy_reverse") and the content server ("content_server") in separate containers means I have a built-in way of testing the proxy.
curl -v http://localhost:81/ # test content server curl -v http://localhost/ # test redirection curl -v https://localhost/ # test reverse
(Use your hostname instead of localhost)
1 Proxy
nginx does a good job at this. I have tried using Varnish/Hitch (very flexible but long startup time and complicated config) and Caddy. Switching to Caddy was okay but felt a little weird to me.
I tried the official images that do all the fancy stuff of adding Let's Encrypt certificates for me but that was just more complexity at very little return for my small use cases.
2 Landing page
I use this at work not yet here at home.
For most cases, NGINX has to do a MITM proxy, that is, both forward and reverse. This is because it's doing the HTTPS handling, so all traffic has to go through it both directions. The backend sees only HTTP traffic.
You can start a copy of the services running for testing with
docker compose up content_server
but you should probably start everything and watch the logs,
docker compose up -d docker logs --follow
Make config changes and reload with this dandy script.
I'm leaving these comments here for now. This is work related.
Static content is in the local folder www_content. This includes a landing page and sundry files for my simple media server, for example the "no image was found" image.
Media (aka "photos") are on CIFS filesystems mounted at /media/images and /media/applications. Refer to the /etc/fstab file regarding CIFS services and credentials.
You can start a copy of the services running for testing with
docker compose up content_server
I don't use a custom Docker image here, so there is no build step. It's just nginx published on port 80/443. It can be deployed either with compose or as a swarm.
2024-03-29 Today I am using Compose because Swarm is not coming up and I am tired of working on this.
docker compose up -d
docker stack deploy -c compose.yaml nginx_proxy
curl http://localhost/ curl http://localhost/photos/bridges/1002A.jpg
Use to do all the testing. Add more test cases if you add more stuff.
There are tons of guides out there, 99% are outdated. The official documentation is unfortunately pretty sparse. For example, the section on reverse proxy covers about 5 directives but there are about 40.
NGINX documentation