My Linux Dotfiles
My Setup |
OS: Arch Linux |
Window Manager: Qtile (X11) |
Terminal Emulator: Alacritty |
Shell: ZSH (oh-my-zsh) |
Compositor: Picom |
Dmenu Replacement: Rofi |
Text Editor: Vim |
Code Editor: Neovim |
GUI File Manager: Thunar |
CLI File Manager: Ranger |
Screenshot Program: Flameshot |
My Neovim configuration is in this repo.
Feel free to use whatever you want in your own dotfiles. If you want my exact configuration from scatch, follow the install instructions.
First, do a minimal Arch Linux installation with the multilib repo enabled. Then, run these commands:
cd /home
sudo mv $USER $USER.orig
sudo mkdir $USER
sudo chown $USER:$USER $USER
git clone $USER
cd $USER
chmod u+x
This will install all packages that I use, including AUR packages and flatapks. Note that there are some things that will need to be done manually. See
for more details.