My name is William Thyer. I am a senior data scientist at Cohere Health. In 2023, I received my PhD in Psychology from the University of Chicago where I studied short-term memory and attention. I was a researcher in the Awh/Vogel Lab from 2018-2023. I was previously a data science intern at Spark Neuro in 2021 and at Intuitive Surgical in 2022. You can access my resume here and my personal website here. I like Python, machine learning, and bikes! 🐍🤖🚴
- Analysis for my published Psychological Science paper
- Custom machine learning and data viz package for decoding EEG
- Calm Hands, a program to help reduce nail-biting using computer vision and AI
- Custom EEG preprocessing pipeline for the Awh/Vogel lab
- City Mapper package made with OSMnx
- Vorpal, a fighting game with custom AI
- A collection of courses, articles, and blogs I like
Machine learning, neural networks, data science, cognitive neuroscience, time series, computer vision, scientific writing, research, spatial data, data visualization, psychology, vision science, technical documentation, Python, Matlab.
Numpy, Scipy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Scikit-Learn, Tkinter, Fastai, tsai, tsfresh, tslearn, Pytorch, Pygame, Psychopy, OSMnx, Statsmodels, Bokeh, MNE.
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