Based on the extremely helpful videos by System crafters and other resources found around the web. This Emacs distribution is aimed at students whose workflow includes programming and taking (scientific) notes. Also it is made for MacOS.
Version 2.0 is based on the structure of the crafted-emacs, using their implementation whenever possible, adding my own options.
Also I've been fascinated by the work of @rougier, in particular Get things done.
- Most programming related packages: magit, project.el, eglot, etc...
- Enhanced vanilla Emacs experience (cape, consult, marginalia, embark, orderless, vertico) based on the tutorials made by system crafters (Emacs from scratch) and on crafted-emacs
- Language support: python, Julia, Latex (still limited, planning to add more)
- Minimal org environment: agenda, capture
- Email support
- Minimal browser support
- Rust, C++, zsh support