This system is designed for a user can search for a transportation trips in the city of Winnipeg. It allows the user to find a starting location and choose a destination location. Pressing the button "Plan My Trip" the application shows the possible routes.
The application shows a maximum of 3 trips or those available (from 0 to 3). If there are no available trips between the two locations, then the program shows that there are no available trips. The application shows the first trip as recommended, since this can be done in less time.
The program displays the estimated time between each segment of a trip. A trip can have 1 or more segments. The segments of the trip are "walk", "Transfer" and "Ride".
Project page:
The program is written in HTML / CSS / JavaScript. To run it simply, the user must open the index.html file in the browser of their choice, as long as they are compatible with ECMAScript 6.