Duo-Guide For T3RN Testnet
- This guide works on VPS, Github Codespaces/ Gitpod / Linux based Terminal (Ubuntu, WSL)
- Ensure you least
Sepolia Eth on Arb, Op, Blast and Arbitrum NetworK - You can bridge Using T3RN or brid.gg
Let's get Started :)
We'll be using hardhat to deploy
- Copy and Paste ↓↓ in your terminal
mkdir bridge-contracts && cd bridge-contracts && wget -q https://raw.githubusercontent.com/WillzyDollarrzz/T3RN-Testnet/refs/heads/main/bridge-contracts.sh && chmod +x bridge-contracts.sh && ./bridge-contracts.sh
When you're prompted to Create A Hardhat Project
, just click enter
4 times
NOTE: Copy Everthing that was shown from Deploying Contracts On Each Network...
down to the last word and Save.
- What you Copied will be needed in Part .
- For Part 2, we'll be interacting with this guide but will be making some changes.
- Subscribe to my Youtube Channel and Watch the Video for the Full Guide.