The script to collect system data. Plotting data to graph use python
Prerequest: Need to install nvidia-smi to get the GPU power consumption.
The tool to check and collect system monitor log.
sudo apt-get install -y python-dev
sudo apt-get install -y s-tui #用ppa安裝的為非最新版
GitHub - amanusk/s-tui: Terminal-based CPU stress and monitoring utility
The tool to collect the network data.
sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install -y nethogs
sudo nethogs
sudo nethogs -t enp3s0 > ./nethogs.log
The tool to parser network data.
git clone
cd nethogs-parser
go build -o hogs hogs.go
./hogs -type=pretty nethogs.log
Just execute the file main.ipynb use vscode IDE.