53 fail, 4 pass in 8s
57 tests 4 ✅ 8s ⏱️
17 suites 0 💤
1 files 53 ❌
Results for commit 1a83fb0.
Check warning on line 0 in D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\BurntToast.Tests.ps1
github-actions / Test Results
BurntToast Module.meta validation.should import functions (D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\BurntToast.Tests.ps1) failed
artifacts/TestResults.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
Expected 20, but got 0.
at (Get-Module BurntToast).ExportedFunctions.Count | Should -Be 20, D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\BurntToast.Tests.ps1:16
at <ScriptBlock>, D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\BurntToast.Tests.ps1:16
Check warning on line 0 in D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\Get-BTHeader.Tests.ps1
github-actions / Test Results
Get-BTHeader.should call Get-BTHistory with and without scheduled information (D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\Get-BTHeader.Tests.ps1) failed
artifacts/TestResults.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
CommandNotFoundException: The term 'Get-BTHeader' is not recognized as a name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or executable program.
Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
at <ScriptBlock>, D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\Get-BTHeader.Tests.ps1:41
Check warning on line 0 in D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\Get-BTHeader.Tests.ps1
github-actions / Test Results
Get-BTHeader.With multiple duplicate notifications.should ignore duplicate headers (D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\Get-BTHeader.Tests.ps1) failed
artifacts/TestResults.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
CommandNotFoundException: The term 'Get-BTHeader' is not recognized as a name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or executable program.
Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
at <ScriptBlock>, D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\Get-BTHeader.Tests.ps1:60
Check warning on line 0 in D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\Get-BTHeader.Tests.ps1
github-actions / Test Results
Get-BTHeader.With multiple unique notifications.should return all headers (D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\Get-BTHeader.Tests.ps1) failed
artifacts/TestResults.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
CommandNotFoundException: The term 'Get-BTHeader' is not recognized as a name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or executable program.
Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
at <ScriptBlock>, D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\Get-BTHeader.Tests.ps1:81
Check warning on line 0 in D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\Get-BTHeader.Tests.ps1
github-actions / Test Results
Get-BTHeader.With multiple unique notifications.should return header by title (D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\Get-BTHeader.Tests.ps1) failed
artifacts/TestResults.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
CommandNotFoundException: The term 'Get-BTHeader' is not recognized as a name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or executable program.
Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
at <ScriptBlock>, D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\Get-BTHeader.Tests.ps1:87
Check warning on line 0 in D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\Get-BTHeader.Tests.ps1
github-actions / Test Results
Get-BTHeader.With multiple unique notifications.should return header by id (D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\Get-BTHeader.Tests.ps1) failed
artifacts/TestResults.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
CommandNotFoundException: The term 'Get-BTHeader' is not recognized as a name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or executable program.
Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
at <ScriptBlock>, D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\Get-BTHeader.Tests.ps1:95
Check warning on line 0 in D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\Get-BTHeader.Tests.ps1
github-actions / Test Results
Get-BTHeader.With multiple unique notifications.should return no headers for a missing title (D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\Get-BTHeader.Tests.ps1) failed
artifacts/TestResults.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
CommandNotFoundException: The term 'Get-BTHeader' is not recognized as a name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or executable program.
Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
at <ScriptBlock>, D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\Get-BTHeader.Tests.ps1:103
Check warning on line 0 in D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\Get-BTHeader.Tests.ps1
github-actions / Test Results
Get-BTHeader.With multiple unique notifications.should return no headers for a missing id (D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\Get-BTHeader.Tests.ps1) failed
artifacts/TestResults.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
CommandNotFoundException: The term 'Get-BTHeader' is not recognized as a name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or executable program.
Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
at <ScriptBlock>, D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\Get-BTHeader.Tests.ps1:109
Check warning on line 0 in D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\Get-BTHeader.Tests.ps1
github-actions / Test Results
Get-BTHeader.With a single unique notifications.should return all header properties (D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\Get-BTHeader.Tests.ps1) failed
artifacts/TestResults.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
CommandNotFoundException: The term 'Get-BTHeader' is not recognized as a name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or executable program.
Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
at <ScriptBlock>, D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\Get-BTHeader.Tests.ps1:123
Check warning on line 0 in D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\New-BTAction.Tests.ps1
github-actions / Test Results
New-BTAction.running without arguments.has consitent WhatIf response (D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\New-BTAction.Tests.ps1) failed
artifacts/TestResults.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
This test should run but it did not. Most likely a setup in some parent block failed.
Check warning on line 0 in D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\New-BTAction.Tests.ps1
github-actions / Test Results
New-BTAction.snooze and dismiss modal.has consitent WhatIf response (D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\New-BTAction.Tests.ps1) failed
artifacts/TestResults.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
This test should run but it did not. Most likely a setup in some parent block failed.
Check warning on line 0 in D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\New-BTAction.Tests.ps1
github-actions / Test Results
New-BTAction.single clickable button.has consitent WhatIf response (D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\New-BTAction.Tests.ps1) failed
artifacts/TestResults.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
This test should run but it did not. Most likely a setup in some parent block failed.
Check warning on line 0 in D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\New-BTAction.Tests.ps1
github-actions / Test Results
New-BTAction.mixed content: button & context menu.has consitent WhatIf response (D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\New-BTAction.Tests.ps1) failed
artifacts/TestResults.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
This test should run but it did not. Most likely a setup in some parent block failed.
Check warning on line 0 in D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\New-BTAction.Tests.ps1
github-actions / Test Results
New-BTAction.including too many buttons and or context menu items.throws when providing too poolable items (D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\New-BTAction.Tests.ps1) failed
artifacts/TestResults.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
This test should run but it did not. Most likely a setup in some parent block failed.
Check warning on line 0 in D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\New-BTAction.Tests.ps1
github-actions / Test Results
New-BTAction.input objects.has consitent WhatIf response (D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\New-BTAction.Tests.ps1) failed
artifacts/TestResults.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
This test should run but it did not. Most likely a setup in some parent block failed.
Check warning on line 0 in D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\New-BTAudio.Tests.ps1
github-actions / Test Results
New-BTAudio.built in audio source.has consitent WhatIf response (D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\New-BTAudio.Tests.ps1) failed
artifacts/TestResults.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
This test should run but it did not. Most likely a setup in some parent block failed.
Check warning on line 0 in D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\New-BTAudio.Tests.ps1
github-actions / Test Results
New-BTAudio.Silent switch.has consitent WhatIf response (D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\New-BTAudio.Tests.ps1) failed
artifacts/TestResults.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
This test should run but it did not. Most likely a setup in some parent block failed.
Check warning on line 0 in D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\New-BTAudio.Tests.ps1
github-actions / Test Results
New-BTAudio.input validation.throws if audio file doesn't exist (D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\New-BTAudio.Tests.ps1) failed
artifacts/TestResults.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
Expected an exception with message like 'Cannot validate argument on parameter 'Path'. The file 'C:\Fake\phantom.wav' doesn't exist in the specified location. Please provide a valid path and try again.' to be thrown, but the message was 'The term 'New-BTAudio' is not recognized as a name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or executable program.
Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.'. from D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\New-BTAudio.Tests.ps1:54 char:15
+ { New-BTAudio -Path 'C:\Fake\phantom.wav' } | Should -Thr …
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~
at { New-BTAudio -Path 'C:\Fake\phantom.wav' } | Should -Throw "Cannot validate argument on parameter 'Path'. The file 'C:\Fake\phantom.wav' doesn't exist in the specified location. Please provide a valid path and try again.", D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\New-BTAudio.Tests.ps1:54
at <ScriptBlock>, D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\New-BTAudio.Tests.ps1:54
Check warning on line 0 in D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\New-BTAudio.Tests.ps1
github-actions / Test Results
New-BTAudio.input validation.throws if the extension is not supported (D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\New-BTAudio.Tests.ps1) failed
artifacts/TestResults.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
Expected an exception with message like 'Cannot validate argument on parameter 'Path'. The file extension '.mov' is not supported. Please provide a valid path and try again.' to be thrown, but the message was 'The term 'New-BTAudio' is not recognized as a name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or executable program.
Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.'. from D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\New-BTAudio.Tests.ps1:58 char:15
+ { New-BTAudio -Path 'C:\Fake\phantom.mov' } | Should -Thr …
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~
at { New-BTAudio -Path 'C:\Fake\phantom.mov' } | Should -Throw "Cannot validate argument on parameter 'Path'. The file extension '.mov' is not supported. Please provide a valid path and try again.", D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\New-BTAudio.Tests.ps1:58
at <ScriptBlock>, D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\New-BTAudio.Tests.ps1:58
Check warning on line 0 in D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\New-BTBinding.Tests.ps1
github-actions / Test Results
New-BTBinding.loaded with children.has consitent WhatIf response (D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\New-BTBinding.Tests.ps1) failed
artifacts/TestResults.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
This test should run but it did not. Most likely a setup in some parent block failed.
Check warning on line 0 in D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\New-BTButton.Tests.ps1
github-actions / Test Results
New-BTButton.system defined dismiss button.has consitent WhatIf response (D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\New-BTButton.Tests.ps1) failed
artifacts/TestResults.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
This test should run but it did not. Most likely a setup in some parent block failed.
Check warning on line 0 in D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\New-BTButton.Tests.ps1
github-actions / Test Results
New-BTButton.system defined snooze button.has consitent WhatIf response (D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\New-BTButton.Tests.ps1) failed
artifacts/TestResults.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
This test should run but it did not. Most likely a setup in some parent block failed.
Check warning on line 0 in D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\New-BTButton.Tests.ps1
github-actions / Test Results
New-BTButton.custom button with text.has consitent WhatIf response (D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\New-BTButton.Tests.ps1) failed
artifacts/TestResults.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
This test should run but it did not. Most likely a setup in some parent block failed.
Check warning on line 0 in D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\New-BTButton.Tests.ps1
github-actions / Test Results
New-BTButton.custom button with image.has consitent WhatIf response (D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\New-BTButton.Tests.ps1) failed
artifacts/TestResults.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
This test should run but it did not. Most likely a setup in some parent block failed.
Check warning on line 0 in D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\New-BTColumn.Tests.ps1
github-actions / Test Results
New-BTColumn.via New-BurntToastNotification.has consitent WhatIf response (D:\a\BurntToast\BurntToast\Tests\New-BTColumn.Tests.ps1) failed
artifacts/TestResults.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
This test should run but it did not. Most likely a setup in some parent block failed.