Check out the Ruboto project for more information! Also, the API is here.
- rbenv
- Java JDK
- Android SDK
- Apache ANT
Add the following to your environment variables:
export ANDROID_HOME=~/Documents/Android/SDK
(Replace with your SDK path)
export PATH=${PATH}:$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools
$ rbenv install jruby-1.7.9
$ rbenv shell jruby-1.7.9
$ gem install ruboto
$ gem install jruby-jars
$ ruboto setup
(May fail, use setup to verify prerequisites are detected)$ ruboto gen app --package com.ruboto.hello --name RubotoHelloWorld --target 16 --min-sdk 16 --activity Hello
(Make sure you have the SDK for API level 16 for this step)- Connect your Android device/emulator
$ rake install start
- 🎉
Note: You will need the Ruboto core app on your device! Once you launch your app, it will provide a link to download the Ruboto core app from the Google Play store. The Ruboto core app is also available for manual installation here.