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Extension Options

WinterBlox edited this page Nov 5, 2023 · 2 revisions

FrostJolt comes with an extension that holds 7 different extension options, all of which allow you to take control over how FrostJolt starts up and how it behaves at runtime.

Required Configurations

These options must contain valid settings in order to allow FrostJolt to function correctly.

Game ID

This is your GameJolt Game's ID. It is either located in your game's URL, or under Game API >>> API Settings alongside your Private Key.

Private Key

This is your GameJolt Game's Private Key. It is located under Game API >>> API Settings alongside your Game ID.

It is extremely important that you DO NOT SHARE YOUR PRIVATE KEY WITH ANYBODY!! Your key is used to validate API Requests coming from FrostJolt. If someone gets a hold of it, it will give them full control over your Game's API!!

If your private key gets leaked or stolen, you can Regenerate it under Game API >>> API Settings.


Enable Popups (Disabled by Default)

When this is enabled, if you perform an action within FrostJolt such as gj_user_auth or gj_trophy_unlock, FrostJolt will announce it neatly in the top left of the screen using Pre-made GUI that is customizable.

Additional Options

Log Server Responses

When this is enabled, FrostJolt will neatly log server responses in your IDE's Output console.

Enable Response Backlog

When this is enabled, FrostJolt will keep a record of previous responses which are accessible via a DS List.

Log on Game Start

When this is enabled, FrostJolt will log your Game ID and Private Console in your output console. (It's recommended to disable this for packaged binaries)

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