My overall goal is to make a flake structure that is easy to reason about and manage. I want to easily be able to switch desktop environment and keep the changes I have made. These changes should also be kept from machine to machine. Plasma should be in dark mode right of the bat. I need these machine to do actual and because of this I need an TTS and a STT.
This is not a diagram of my config. It is a picture of how I would like my diagram to look.
In this configuration I use the distributions Doom Emacs and NvChad. These distributions need to be able to download and manage themselves. Therefore, they cannot be managed by home manager. They need to be download separately.
./home/core/optional/firefox Firefox can be configured with nix language.
Find a better TTS than espeak
- add the already exsisting config file
- rewrite it in the nix lanuage
- find a way to save KDE’s config and save the files.
This video showed how to make options toggleable.
This video gave the Anatomy of my NixOS configuration.
This video showed how to use just
with NixOS.
This video show how to manage secrets with sops-nix. This is done to programmatically inject secrets to options.
This video shows how to make the flake.nix into a control center. This makes it possible to turn on or off toggleable options from one place.
With this I do not need to go into configuration.nix
and home.nix
to toggle options.
This video shows how to use options and if else statments. Options set in NixOS cannot be used in home manager. They need to be set in the flake, because that can reach both.