Implementation of some Typescript Decorators for the express framework.
Endpoint class (e.g. test.endpoint.ts)
@EndpointDescription('just for testing')
export class TestEndpoint {
public router: Router | undefined;
public text: string = "Hello";
@Middleware((req, res, next) => {
console.log('hey ho, a new middleware arived :D');
@RouteDescription('Simple get route')
getAll() {
return Ok(this.text);
@Middleware((req, res, next) => {
console.log('hey ho, a new middleware arived :D');
getSpec() {
return Ok('specific');
@Validate(query('limit', 'no limit defined').isNumeric())
@Validate(query('pos', 'need a position').isNumeric())
getLimited( @Query('limit') limit: any) {
const result: number[] = [];
limit = parseInt(limit);
for (let i = 0; i < limit; i++ )
result.push(Math.random() * 1000);
return Ok({ result: result });
returner(@Headers() header: any) {
return Ok(header);
async getById( @Params('id') id: string) {
// throw new Error('oh no, an exception');
return Ok("The id " + id);
add(req: Request) {
return Ok(req.body);
Where you create the express application (e.g. app.ts)
const app: Application = express();
// provide static html files
app.use('/', express.static(`${__dirname}\\..\\public\\`));
// create the defined endpoints
const endpoints = [
new TestEndpoint(),
new GreetingEndpoint()
endpoints.forEach(t => createEndpoint(t, app));
// create documentation html
// see in app.ts for createDocHtml
const doc: string = createDocHtml(endpoints);
await writeFileAsync(`${__dirname}\\..\\public\\v2.html`, doc);
await writeFileAsync(`${__dirname}\\..\\public\\style.css`, getCssContent());
await writeFileAsync(`${__dirname}\\..\\public\\script.js`, getJsScriptContent());
// define a homepage
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
<a href="./v2.html">Docs</a>
// start server
app.listen(3030, () => {
- @Endpoint(...) - tbd.
- @Get(url: string) - Registers get route
- @Post(url: string) - Registers post route
- @Put(url: string) - Registers put route
- @Delete(url: string) - Registers delete route
- @Params(param?: string) - Express req.params object or single param, if param name was specified
- @Query(param?: string) - Express req.query object or single query param, if query param name was specified
- @Body(param?: string) - Express req.body object or single body param, if body param name was specified
- @Headers(property?: string) - Express req.headers object or single headers param, if headers param name was specified
- @Cookies(param?: string) - Express req.cookies object or single cookies param, if cookies param name was specified
- @EndpointDescription(text: string) - tbd.
- @RouteDescription(text: string) - tbd.
Following links helped me a lot to finish this project.
Feel free to start an issue or offer a pull request :D.