- Download IntelliJ IDEA
- Download Github Desktop
- Open Github desktop.
- Select Add-Clone Repository from Left Menu.
- Enter the repository URL (SSH)
- Select the Clone button.
- Select Open in Intellij, in case Intellij is not by default: Select "Options on the section Open the repository in your external editor".
- Wait for the dependencies to finish downloading.
- Select "File" from top menu bar
- Select "Settings" option
- Select "Plugins" option from Settings modal
- Search for “Gherkin” plugin and install
- Search for “Cucumber for Java” plugin and install
To run the project we need to use the following steps:
- Open the pom.xml
- On the left side of the IDEA you will find a section "Maven", click on "Maven"
- Click on the download icon and select "Download Sources" and wait for the dependencies to download
- On the right side of the IDEA, under Project tree search for the class TestRunner on the package of runner.
- Right click on the class "TestRunner" and select "Run TestRunner"
To visualize the report after the execution of the TestRunner we need to use the following steps:
- Under the project tree, on the package "test-output", search for the cucumberReports directory.
- Right click on the file WebServicesReport.html
- Select "Open in"
- Select "Browser" choose the browser you prefer.
In case you need to re run the project, please follow this steps:
- Under features package, select the "postPet.feature"
- Under the petId data example, increment by one the petId