5.0.7 Stable Release
More bugfixes! This time to more niche scenarios but they're still important to get resolved.
As always, if you have any issues, then please feel free to submit an issue.
To install this release, please use the manifest URL provided here: https://github.com/WoD5E-Developers/wod5e/releases/download/5.0.7/system.json
Or, if you already had an old version of the WOD5E system installed, just click the update button and everything should (should) update smoothly!
5.0.7 Changelog
From a player's side
- Fixed an issue where if the Limited sheet had a lot of content the user wouldn't be able to scroll to view the rest of it Veilza
- Fixed an issue where the Limited sheet fields wouldn't align to the top Veilza
- Fixed an issue where normal non-item sheet rolls on Ghouls would still include the Hunger dice Veilza
- Fixed the content links in journal entries in dark theme Veilza
- Updated the Roll API macro example Veilza