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Politikon - stawiamy na politykę

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Politikon Koduj dla Polski Klub Jagielloński

Politikon to serwis internetowy, którego celem jest popularyzowanie pozytywnego spojrzenia na politykę, a także wyłonienia osób, które potrafią przewidywać wydarzenia społeczno-polityczne. Projekt ma pokazać, że polityka to nie tylko cyniczna, losowa gra, ale także miejsce ścierania się idei, pomysłów, miejscem gdzie przyczyny powodują określone skutki. Serwis jest grą internetową, której uczestnicy będą mogli zakładać się o wyniki różnych wydarzeń społeczno-politycznych. Giełdowy charakter gry (rynek przewidywań) pozwala pokazać prawdopodobieństwo wystąpienia określonych wydarzeń, co sprawia, że serwis jest interesującą alternatywą dla sondaży.

Status projektu

Projekt jest w fazie beta-testów od 17 maja 2016. Planowany pełny start projektu to jesień 2016.

Tech docs - in English (dokumentacja techniczna - wyłącznie po angielsku)

PyCharm PE / PyCharm CE IDE configuration

  • PyCharm Professional Edition:

It supports Django out of the box (will propose downloading extension if needed). You should set up environment (local machine with IDE installed).

Environment Variable Development default
POSTGRES_PORT_5432_TCP_ADDR read below how check it

The last one variable should be set to politikon_db address instance. You could check it using that command (from local machine - NOT VM):

docker inspect --format '{{ .ID }} - {{ .Name }} - {{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' $(docker ps -q)

Note: in Dockerfile: PORT is hard-coded like here - change if needed; ADDR is not hard-coded because container is configured by Docker to have entry in /etc/hosts (so we use politicon_db there).

  • PyCharm Community Edition:

At this moment there is no ready-to-use config for PyCharm CE. If you done it already - please contribute!

Local instance (for testing) HOW-TO

Mac OS X

Development environment preparation is the same as for GNU/Linux OS familiy using Docker for Mac.

If something not working - please report a bug!


Tested on Debian which is fully supported. Pending tests on openSUSE and Mint.

Remember that user who wants to running Docker containers must be permitted to use docker. It is needed for example add that user to docker group.

Also check if docker.service or equivalent daemon runs successfully in your OS.

user@pc$ git clone
user@pc$ cd Politikon

Tip: better to fork repo, clone that and then set up 'upstream' remote for syncing with base repo. See syncing the fork for more info.

  • Add as localhost to your OS hosts file (eg. /etc/hosts):

(required fo Facebook and Twitter sign-in integration)

If you found out some other possibility faster than us - please contribute!

  • Build and run your docker container:
$ docker build -t politikon .
  • Build other necessary containers and start them all:
$ docker-compose up -d
  • Connect to docker:
$ docker-compose exec politikon bash

Parameter force Docker container check (rebuild). It keeps your container up-to-date. Tip: run without any parameter for interactive decision.

When propt appears you are in Docker instance (VM).

  • When on VM you could install dependencies with pip manually:
root@asdf1234:/app# pip install -r requirements.txt

By default running with --build check if they are up-to-date.

  • Default environment variables set up during Docker container build:
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE="politikon.settings.local"
export POSTGRES_PORT_5432_TCP_PORT="5432"
export POSTGRES_PORT_5432_TCP_ADDR="politikon_db"
  • Now need to do some steps manually... (we will automate that)

  • Connect as 'postgres' user to PostgreSQL instance and create db 'politikon':

root@asdf1234:/app# psql -h ${POSTGRES_PORT_5432_TCP_ADDR} -U postgres
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE politikon WITH ENCODING='UTF8';
  • Migrate the database:
root@asdf1234:/app# python migrate
  • Configuration should be done. Now run the web server...
root@asdf1234:/app# python runserver
  • ...and check in browser:

You should see site. Now you know Politikon works on your docker container, but database is empty. Well done :)


  • To load example data:
python loaddata db_dumps/local_test_data.json

You can login for any user - password is an email. For example: username: kowalskijan password: Importing that data gives Jan Kowalski the Admin role.

  • If you need to access Django Admin on Docker container:
python createsuperuser

Then you could access Admin panel in browser:
  • If you need to sync your docker local time
boot2docker ssh sudo ntpclient -s -h
docker run -it -v `pwd`:/app -p 2233:22 -p 8000:8000 --name politikon_instance politikon
  • INFO: regarding to latest bug database is losing consistency during dump. To retrieve consistency do the following:
# go to dbshell
python dbshell
UPDATE events_bet SET user_id = 1 WHERE user_id NOT IN (SELECT id FROM accounts_userprofile);
UPDATE events_transaction SET user_id = 1 WHERE user_id NOT IN (SELECT id FROM accounts_userprofile);
  • WARNING: destructive code ahead - if you need to rebuild docker containers:
#list running images:
docker ps
# kill running images by providing ids listed from docker ps
docker kill id1 id2
# delete all stopped containers (because running containers will harmlessly error out)
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
# delete all images
docker rmi $(docker images -a | awk '{print $3}' | tail -n +2)
# rebuild the whole docker


W projekt są zaangażowani:

  • Klub Jagielloński - treści, prowadzenie gry, marketing, promocja
  • Koduj dla Polski - wsparcie instytucjonalne i osobowe
  • Jacek Głodek
  • Tomek Grynfelder
  • Tomek Kopczuk
  • Kuba Lipiński
  • Marcin Mincer
  • Piotrek Pęczek
  • Michał Nowotnik
  • Wojciech Zając
  • Wojciech Błaszczuk (@julianvolodia)


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  • Python 45.6%
  • JavaScript 31.8%
  • HTML 13.0%
  • CSS 9.4%
  • Shell 0.2%