Hearts of Iron IV: The Great War - Open Beta 0.10.1 "The Aftermath of Versailles"
- The Mod is now Compatible with the new version of Hearts of Iron IV ("Husky" patch 1.9.1)
- Defines have been updated in order to include the new game variables introduced by the 1.9.1 Patch
- Localisations are now fixed and should be displayed properly in game
- Edit Frontend Main View GUI to notify the player in case of a problem with the map
- The prerequisite conditions for the Soviet National Focus "Stop the Polish-Soviet War" has been edited and fixed
- Added a missing vehicle entity
- Fixed Minor bugs
- New General for the Turkish National Movement: Kâzım Karabekir
- New General for the Turkish National Movement: Ali Fuat Cebesoy
- Mustafa Kemal Pacha isn't available anymore in the Ottoman Army in the 1919 Scenario
- Mustafa Kemal Pacha is now available as a Field Marshal for the Turkish National Movement Army in the 1919 Scenario
- 156x210px Portrait for Kâzım Karabekir
- 156x210px Portrait for Ali Fuat Cebesoy
- French localisation has been updated (thanks to Mouchi)
Save games may not be compatible, you may have to start a New Game.
Discover Wolferos's new project Fields of History: The Great War, a WW1 Grand Strategy game!