Hearts of Iron IV: The Great War - Open Beta 0.20 "Spazio Vitale"
- The Mod is now Compatible with Hearts of Iron IV 1.12.5
- Defines have been updated in order to include the new game variables introduced by the 1.12.5
- New Interwar National Focuses for Italy: "Viva il Duce", "Spazio Vitale", "Zara is Not Enough", "Treaty of Rapallo", "Anti Comunista", "Support the Falange Española", "Crush the Labin Republic", "Ban the Partito Comunista Italiano", "Leggi Fascistissime", "Ultimatum to Greece after the Corfu incident", "Prepare the Occupation of Corfu", "War to Greece" and "De-escalate tensions with Greece"
- Many bugs related to the Armored Cars have been fixed
- Added Scottish Cores on Scottish Highlands, Aberdeenshire, Lanark and Lothian
- New Technology: Specialized Carrier Pigeon for Tanks
- Reverted ai_areas to default
- Added an Armored Car Battalion to the Straßenpanzerwagen Template (German Empire)
- Added Artillery Battalions to the Stoßtruppen Division (Austria-Hungary)
- Added Artillery Battalions to some Templates (German Empire)
- Added Artillery Battalions to some Templates (Greece)
- Fixed Missing Portrait for the Switzerland Federal Council
- Research Cost for the first Armored Car has been reduced from 2.0 to 1.5
- Research Cost for the first Light Artillery has been reduced from 1.5 to 1.0
- Research Cost for the Vest Pocket Camera has been reduced from 1.5 to 1.0
- New Advisors for Greece
- Reduced Coal Resources in Kiev Region (Russian Empire)
- Added Coal Resources in Cherkasy Region (Russian Empire)
- Reduced Coal Resources in Dnipropetrovsk Region (Russian Empire)
- Some Templates have been edited
- Fixed bad Seaplane Land Air Wing Size
- French Localisation has been updated (thanks to Mouchi)
- AI will attempt less to do Naval invasions
- Removed the auto-created ZIP file that was increasing the size of the mod for nothing (Steam Version)
- Minor bugs and typos have been fixed
Discover Wolferos's new project Fields of History: The Great War, a WW1 Grand Strategy game!