Hearts of Iron IV: The Great War - Open Beta 0.20.1 "Spazio Vitale"
- The Mod is now Compatible with Hearts of Iron IV 1.12.6
- Defines have been updated in order to include the new game variables introduced by the 1.12.6
- New Strategic Region: Karsk Sea (thanks to shmuft)
- Change Provinces from Ontario region to North Siberia (thanks to shmuft)
- French Localisation has been updated (thanks to Mouchi)
- Russian Localisation has been updated (thanks to shmuft)
- New Descriptions
- New Portrait for Manuel Gomes da Costa (Portuguese General)
- New Portrait for Otto Joachim Moltke Kofoed-Hansen (Danish Vice Admiral)
- Added Coal Resources in Weser-Ems Region (German Empire)
- Reduced Coal Resources in Westfalen Region (German Empire)
- Minor bugs and typos have been fixed
Discover Wolferos's new project Fields of History: The Great War, a WW1 Grand Strategy game!