Hearts of Iron IV: The Great War - Open Beta 0.22 "Klang der Seele"
- The Mod is now officialy playable in German (thanks to Proho16)
- French Localisation has been updated (thanks to Polemarque & Mouchi)
- New Interwar National Focus for United Kingdom: "United Empire"
- New Interwar National Focus for United Kingdom: "Streets of Raj"
- New Marine Template for Japan (thanks to CanadianLemur)
- Italian Democractic Party Name has been changed (thanks to CanadianLemur)
- Revised some unit names with historical ones (thanks to Polemarque)
- Renaming of several Division Models (thanks to Polemarque)
- Some AI Factors have been edited
- Better Code Writing (thanks to FOREVERGWC)
- New Descriptions
- Alpha Channel removed on some Portraits that didn't need one
- Minor bugs and typos have been fixed
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