Hearts of Iron IV: The Great War - Open Beta 0.22.3 "Klang der Seele"
- The Mod is now fully compatible with Hearts of Iron IV 1.13.5
- Defines have been updated in order to include the new game variables introduced by the Stella Polaris Patch 1.13.5
- German Localisation has been updated (thanks to Proho)
- Missing Scandinavian Regions added (thanks to Proho)
- Bookmarks updated
- New Descriptions
- Reduced Research Time for the Technologies: Underground Mining I, Underground Mining II and Underground Mining III
- Reduced Oil and Coal Resources in Krasnodar (Russian Empire)
- Increased Steel Resources in Northern Hungary (Austria-Hungary)
- Minor bugs and typos have been fixed
Discover Wolferos's new project Fields of History: The Great War, a WW1 Grand Strategy game!