Hearts of Iron IV: The Great War - Open Beta 0.6.2
- Fixed Major Bug for USA (National Focus & OOB)
- Added new Decisions for the Schlieffen Plan
- Added new Decisions to react to Franz Ferdinand Death
- Added new Decisions to start War
- New Event (Mehmed VI will remplace Mehmed V after his death in 1918)
- Added Georgian Core on Trabzon
- Reduced IC costs of 1900 Heavy Artillery from 14.00 to 12.50
- Reduced IC costs of 1900 Heavy Artillery from 16.00 to 13.50
- Reduced IC costs of 1900 Heavy Artillery from 18.00 to 14.00
- Reduced IC cost of the 1900 Artillery from 2.50 to 2.40
- Reduced IC cost of the 1914 Artillery from 2.50 to 2.45
- Increased IC cost of the 1900 Infantry Equipment from 0.18 to 0.19
- Reduced Defense of the 1900 Infantry Equipment from 10.0 to 9.8
Save games may not be compatible, you may have to start a New Game.