Welcome to the Dutch Translation Project for The Sims Online / FreeSO.
This repo is maintained by W0lfstorm. You can see my progress for this project here and on The FreeSO Forums
As I outlined over on the FreeSO Forums, this project will be split into 2 parts:
- UI Texts from FreeSO (Awaiting final checks of EOD Files)
This is what I am currently working on. There are 25 files to be translated, of which all have 10+ strings of text. These are the things that the user will see and interact with almost everyday, so the language in this will need to be correct.
- UT Texts from The Sims Online [Base Game Items] (Started: October 3rd 2019)
This will be Phase 2 of the translation. As part of the FreeSO experience, players are required to get The Sims Online. Therefore all of these strings will also require translation. NOTE: This also includes some leftovers from The Sims, but most of that has been translated with the help of "De Complete Sims Collectie" install I have on Windows 10
- Objects
This is Phase 3 and will be completed... I am planning to do this once the new Object System (.piff -> .cst) are implemented
You can contribute by helping me correct any/all Dutch that sounds out of place.
Reminder: I am from Ireland and Dutch is my 2nd Language, so there may be a few words out of place.
Please Note: The Majority of the translations have been checked against the Dutch for Flanders/Belgium, with a native speaker
If you find anything that is incorrect, please create an issue or a Pull Request.
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