A WIP PocketMine Pathfinder
- AStar pathfinding
- Pathfinding can be divided into several ticks
- Set costs for various blocks
- Navigator for entities
- Create an AStar-Object
$aStar = new AStar(World $world, Vector3 $startVector3, Vector3 $targetVector3, ?AxisAlignedBB $axisAlignedBB);
- Configure settings (See Algorithm-Class for all available methods)
$aStar->setTimeout(float $timeout);
$aStar->setJumpHeight(int $jumpHeight);
- Start and get pathfinding result
$aStar->then(function(?PathResult $pathResult): void {
if($pathResult === null) {
echo "No path found!";
echo "Path found!";
This pathfinder is not the best, but you can help to improve it. If you see code places that can be improved or any method/variable names that don't fit, please create a pull request with the respective changes.
Discord: Matze#1754