These are a set of tools for working with Google Earth Engine Python API that may help to solve or automatize some processes.
There is JavaScript module that you can import from the code editor that has similar functions (not exactly the same) and it's available here
I have splitted this package in two. This geetools
will contain functions and
methods related to Google Earth Engine exclusively, so you can use this module
in any python environment you like. For working in Jupyter I have made another
package called ipygee
available here
I have splitted this package in two (again). Now the functions to make a strip
of images using Pillow is available as a different package called geepillow
I have splitted this package in two (again x2). The module geetools.collection
in an independent package called geedataset
pip install geetools
pip install --upgrade geetools
import ee
import geetools
# ## Define an ImageCollection
site = ee.Geometry.Point([-72, -42]).buffer(1000)
collection = ee.ImageCollection("LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_SR").filterBounds(site).limit(5)
# Set parameters
bands = ['B2', 'B3', 'B4']
scale = 30
name_pattern = '{sat}_{system_date}_{WRS_PATH:%d}-{WRS_ROW:%d}'
## the keywords between curly brackets can be {system_date} for the date of the
## image (formatted using `date_pattern` arg), {id} for the id of the image
## and/or any image property. You can also pass extra keywords using the `extra`
## argument. Also, numeric values can be formatted using a format string (as
## shown in {WRS_PATH:%d} (%d means it will be converted to integer)
date_pattern = 'ddMMMy' # dd: day, MMM: month (JAN), y: year
folder = 'MYFOLDER'
data_type = 'uint32'
extra = dict(sat='L8SR')
region = site
# ## Export
tasks = geetools.batch.Export.imagecollection.toDrive(
- Export every image in an ImageCollection to Google Drive, GEE Asset or Cloud Storage examples
- Clip an image using a FeatureCollection and export the image inside every Feature example
- Pansharp example
- Mask pixels around masked pixels (buffer around a mask) example
- Get the percentage of masked pixels inside a geometry example
- Cloud masking functions example
- Closest date composite: replace masked pixels with the "last available not masked pixel" example
- Medoid composite example
- Mosaic same day example
- Get visualization parameters using a stretching function example
Jupyter Notebooks avilables here
Any contribution is welcome.
Any bug or question please use the github issue tracker