My name is Yann POMIE, I am a 23 years old french Engineer, freshly graduated from Polytech Montpellier. I am currently hired as a DevOps Engineer/Backdend Dev at e-Science Data Factory, a company specialized in data management, our job is to interconnect your data and make sure it is FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable).
- Video Games 🎮 (RDR2, The Legend of Zelda, Warframe, XCOM)
- Boxing 🥊
- Music 🎵 (Iron Maiden, A7X, Judas Priest... )
- Magic the Gathering 🃏
- Linux (I UsE ArCH BY The wAy) 🐧
- Hanging out with friends and colleagues 🍺