Releases: Working-Title-MSFS-Mods/fspackages
Working Title G3000
Latest version: v0.2.0
This is a mod for MSFS2020 that aims to improve the in-game G3000. The goal is to bring functionality closer to the real-life G3000, with a focus on both features and layout/UI. Most of development and testing was done with the TBM 930, and the TBM 930 version of the G3000 pilot's guide was used as the primary reference.
This mod was created with cross-compatibility in mind. It modifies the minimum number of base files possible to achieve its goals, so it should be compatible with most other mods, including all other WorkingTitle mods. However, because of the nature of the mod, it will conflict with other mods that make changes to the G3000.
NOTE: This version of the mod primarily makes changes to the TBM 930 for now. The Longitude, which also uses the G3000 codebase, will get some of the cosmetic improvements included in the mod (such as updated terrain colors, map font size, etc), but as of now none of the new functionality. We hope to add full compatibility with the Longitude in the future.
To install, copy the workingtitle-g3000
folder from the zip file into your Community
Release Highlights (v0.2.0)
Please refer to the changelog for a more detailed description of updates.
- The G3000 mod is now integrated with the WorkingTitle ecosystem! This has allowed the addition of the following features:
- Certain G3000 settings (including all newly added ones) are now saved across flights.
- SVT toggle for the PFD.
- Altimeter baro units toggle between IN HG and HPA.
- More new navigational map features:
- Added range ring/range compass overlay.
- Map zoom behavior now more closely matches the real G3000.
- Added ability to show track vector, altitude intercept arc, and fuel range ring.
- Added city display backed by a worldwide 26,000-city database from simplemaps.
- Toggle between none/absolute/relative terrain modes.
- Auto-North Up.
- Terrain colors on the navigational map have been changed to better match the real G3000.
- Partial support for the Longitude: cosmetic changes only, no new functionality.
- Bug Fixes:
- Map scroll is no longer broken in HDG/TRK UP modes.
Known Issues
- [PFD] (Vanilla issue) Co-pilot PFD softkeys are nonfunctional.
- [NavMap] (Vanilla issue) The road overlay for the navigational map will sometimes fail to draw roads close to the aircraft, instead prioritizing roads farther away. This usually only happens when the map range is set to large values (>100 NM).
- [NavMap] (Vanilla issue) Sometimes airport symbols will not update on the navmap. Zooming in then back out will usually fix it.
- [NavMap] At large map ranges (>250 NM), map symbols may not line up correctly with the underlying terrain. This is because the terrain map is projected differently from the symbols. The effect is worse at the edges of the map and also worse at high latitudes.
- Custom city database is sourced from simplemaps ( under the CC Attribution 4.0 license.
Working Title CJ4 v0.5.0 has been replaced by v0.5.1
Working Title G3000
Latest version: v0.2.0 PRE-release 2
Changes from v0.2.0 PRE-release 1
- Fixed compatibility issue with G1000 mod causing avionics screens to freeze.
This is a mod for MSFS2020 that aims to improve the in-game G3000. The goal is to bring functionality closer to the real-life G3000, with a focus on both features and layout/UI. Most of development and testing was done with the TBM 930, and the TBM 930 version of the G3000 pilot's guide was used as the primary reference.
This mod was created with cross-compatibility in mind. It modifies the minimum number of base files possible to achieve its goals, so it should be compatible with most other mods, including all other WorkingTitle mods. However, because of the nature of the mod, it will conflict with other mods that make changes to the G3000.
NOTE: This version of the mod only makes changes to the TBM 930 for now.
To install, copy the workingtitle-g3000
folder from the zip file into your Community
Release Highlights (v0.2.0-pre2)
Please refer to the changelog for a more detailed description of updates.
- The G3000 mod is now integrated with the WorkingTitle ecosystem! This has allowed the addition of the following features:
- Certain G3000 settings (including all newly added ones) are now saved across flights.
- SVT toggle for the PFD.
- Altimeter baro units toggle between IN HG and HPA.
- More new navigational map features:
- Added range ring/range compass overlay.
- Map zoom behavior now more closely matches the real G3000.
- Added ability to show track vector, altitude intercept arc, and fuel range ring.
- Added city display backed by a worldwide 26,000-city database from simplemaps.
- Toggle between none/absolute/relative terrain modes.
- Auto-North Up.
- Terrain colors on the navigational map have been changed to better match the real G3000.
- Bug Fixes:
- Map scroll is no longer broken in HDG/TRK UP modes.
Known Issues
- [PFD] (Vanilla issue) Co-pilot PFD softkeys are nonfunctional.
- [NavMap] (Vanilla issue) The road overlay for the navigational map will sometimes fail to draw roads close to the aircraft, instead prioritizing roads farther away. This usually only happens when the map range is set to large values (>100 NM).
- [NavMap] (Vanilla issue) Sometimes airport symbols will not update on the navmap. Zooming in then back out will usually fix it.
- [NavMap] At large map ranges (>250 NM), map symbols may not line up correctly with the underlying terrain. This is because the terrain map is projected differently from the symbols. The effect is worse at the edges of the map and also worse at high latitudes.
- Custom city database is sourced from simplemaps ( under the CC Attribution 4.0 license.
Working Title G3000
Latest version: v0.2.0 PRE-release 1
This is a mod for MSFS2020 that aims to improve the in-game G3000. The goal is to bring functionality closer to the real-life G3000, with a focus on both features and layout/UI. Most of development and testing was done with the TBM 930, and the TBM 930 version of the G3000 pilot's guide was used as the primary reference.
This mod was created with cross-compatibility in mind. It modifies the minimum number of base files possible to achieve its goals, so it should be compatible with most other mods, including all other WorkingTitle mods. However, because of the nature of the mod, it will conflict with other mods that make changes to the G3000.
NOTE: This version of the mod only makes changes to the TBM 930 for now.
To install, copy the workingtitle-g3000
folder from the zip file into your Community
Release Highlights (v0.2.0-pre1)
Please refer to the changelog for a more detailed description of updates.
- The G3000 mod is now integrated with the WorkingTitle ecosystem! This has allowed the addition of the following features:
- Certain G3000 settings (including all newly added ones) are now saved across flights.
- SVT toggle for the PFD.
- Altimeter baro units toggle between IN HG and HPA.
- More new navigational map features:
- Added range ring/range compass overlay.
- Map zoom behavior now more closely matches the real G3000.
- Added ability to show track vector, altitude intercept arc, and fuel range ring.
- Added city display backed by a worldwide 26,000-city database from simplemaps.
- Toggle between none/absolute/relative terrain modes.
- Auto-North Up.
- Terrain colors on the navigational map have been changed to better match the real G3000.
- Bug Fixes:
- Map scroll is no longer broken in HDG/TRK UP modes.
Known Issues
- [PFD] (Vanilla issue) Co-pilot PFD softkeys are nonfunctional.
- [NavMap] (Vanilla issue) The road overlay for the navigational map will sometimes fail to draw roads close to the aircraft, instead prioritizing roads farther away. This usually only happens when the map range is set to large values (>100 NM).
- [NavMap] (Vanilla issue) Sometimes airport symbols will not update on the navmap. Zooming in then back out will usually fix it.
- [NavMap] At large map ranges (>250 NM), map symbols may not line up correctly with the underlying terrain. This is because the terrain map is projected differently from the symbols. The effect is worse at the edges of the map and also worse at high latitudes.
- Custom city database is sourced from simplemaps ( under the CC Attribution 4.0 license.
Working Title CJ4 v0.4.1 Changes
Welcome to the latest update of the Working Title CJ4 (v0.4.1). This is still very much a beta. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this release.
Feel free to test out our new Simbrief Profile: SIMBRIEF PROFILE
Check out our interim SoP Doc: Interim SoP Document
Installation is easy, simply copy the workingtitle-aircraft-cj4
folder inside the zip file to your MSFS Community folder.
Important: We recommend that you fully delete the previous workingtitle-aircraft-cj4
folder before copying this release.
Key Features
- Added Passenger Briefing Announcements (accessed from MFD Upper Menu and PASS BRIEF BUTTON)
- Fixed bugs with engine thrust when engines off (#222)
- Adjusted flight dynamics to minimize (but not eliminate) the AP porpoising effect (#163)
- Fixed V Speed bug (where v speeds would become stuck at -1 after landing)
- Updated CAS messages (#242)
- Sound Updates/Fixes
- FMS Bug Fixes
Engine Model
- Thrust when engines off bug squashed (#222)
Flight Model
- Adjusted elevator trim effectiveness to reduce porpoising and facilitate (careful) FLC usage
- Fixed bug when adding airways (#226) (thanks @tscharlii )
- Fixed bug where invalid waypoints didn't always cause an error
- Updated distances to show decimals under 100NM
- Fixed reversed XTK and CROSSWIND indications on Page 2
- Added input filters for QNH on takeoff and landing perf pages (user can now enter 29.92, 299 or 2992)
- Added protection for TAKEOFF and APPROACH REF pages when no runway is selected (error message will appear)
- Fixed weight calculation issues (#241)
- Fixed FMS Text distances on MFD (#232)
- Added PASS BRIEF announcements
- Fixed V Speed bug where some speeds were locked at -1 after a segment (#221)
- Fixed MFD plane not centered on map (#219)
- Updated CAS messages for Pitot Heat, Parking Break and Oxy Masks (#242 and #183)
- Fixed no chime when playing seatbelt announcement
- Fixed erroneous chimes when setting battery master to on
- Fixed sounds for internal/external view swaps/fixed passenger sounds stopping when switching to outside view
- Added passenger briefing announcements (MFD)
- Fixed announcements to restrict to only one announcement at a time
- Improvements to climate control knob sound
Known Issues
- Modifications of the flight plan can be slow at times. The cause for this is Asobo's FacilityLoader which they need to fix. When the FMC shows "Working..." it indicates an operation is in progress.
- Sometimes when entering an airway and the exit fix, the airway name will change to the shared airway, however the routing is still correct.
- You cannot currently select Direct-To of a fix on your approach that is not the initial approach fix. This is a limitation of the sim flightplan system at present. We are currently overhauling the flight plan management system to allow for much more flexibility and stability.
- After using Direct-To, the navigation will not always automatically sequence to the next fix and may enter ROL mode. You can re-activate NAV to navigate to the next fix if you encounter this issue.
- The aircraft is still using the built-in MSFS autopilot (for now). All the existing limitations of that still apply. It does behave a bit better with the various enhancements applied.
- FLC stability appears to have regressed with the autopilot aircraft energy calculation changes in 1.9.3. We have made some improvements to this behavior in this update. We will continue to investigate after the 13 October 2020 patch is released.
- Some flight plan distances are still misreported when the approach is activated. We will look at this more carefully after the Asobo update.
Working Title CJ4 v0.4.0 Changes
Welcome to the latest update of the Working Title CJ4 (v0.4.0). This is still very much a beta. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this release. We have been hard at work behind the scenes to tackle some of the core flight management systems, so the number of changes is shorter this time, but still with some fun and important features and fixes. Overall, this bird should be a bunch more fun to fly.
Demo Video:
Installation is easy, simply copy the workingtitle-aircraft-cj4
folder inside the zip file to your MSFS Community folder.
Important: We recommend that you fully delete the previous workingtitle-aircraft-cj4
folder before copying this release.
Key Features
- New custom engine fuel consumption model code based on FJ44 curves and pilot input
- Overhauled LEGS page for more flexibility and real unit functions (WIP)
- Many FPLN page bug fixes
- A few quality of life and critical bug fixes
- Overhaul of DEP/ARR pages and working STAR approaches (thanks @tscharlii)
- Added functional options in the UPR MENU
Engine Model
- Engine fuel consumption model has been custom coded and replaces the sim fuel consumption. Fuel consumption, especially at cruise, should be much, much closer to published. Expect 1800-1850pph per side at ISA full power at sea level and 500-800pph per side at cruise, depending on altitude, mach, and power settings.
- Thrust now scales exponentially with N1 instead of linearly. Power settings should feel much more accurate.
Flight Model
- Added gear drag (Was non-existent before)
- Greatly reduced spoiler drag & pitch down moment (You shouldn't be losing airspeed in a 30 degree nose down dive with the speedbrakes out)
- Reduced flap drag
- Added ability to insert a new fix
- Added ability to remove whole segments by pressing LSK of one fix and then LSK of another
- Added ability to to direct-to a leg by pressing LSK of the fix and then dropping onto the magenta line
- Added ability to delete individual fixes
- Magenta fix distance updates distance to go as aircraft moves
- Fixed issue where unable to delete with a departure active
- Made the WORKING prompt more consistent
- Added feature to show runway where possible
- Disabled the ability to adjust approach fixes due to simulator limitations
- Each waypoint now shows the distance to the next fix instead of the cumulative flight plan distance.
- Blue waypoint is the FROM waypoint
- Magenta waypoint is the current TO waypoint
- Only fixes with an altitude or speed restriction will populate on the right side in green. (It does not show cruise altitude anymore)
- Fixed issue where adding via airway would not add all fixes along airway to flight plan
- Fixed issue where a blank line was not always provided to add a fix
- Condensed display to only show airway entry and exit as per the real unit
- Fixed issue where VIA was not displayed on page 2+
- Fixed issue where attempting to delete the first fix on page 1 would insert CLRIC
- Fixed issue where unable to delete with a departure active
- Proper formatting and flow of DEP/ARR pages (thanks @tscharlii)
- Fixed scrolling through procedures and runways (thanks @tscharlii)
- STAR approaches should now work properly (thanks @tscharlii)
- Total fuel used now initialized to its starting point when the FMC loads
- Page now updates and syncs back radio changes made from other instruments or the simulator
- Fixed issue where ILS localizers reporting DME distance as strings would crash the displays
- Show animated radar bug
- MFD Checklists have been added
- Pax Brief Menu has been added (Unfortunately, no sounds for it yet, next release)
- Added FMS Text option (this essentially displays the PROG page on the MFD)
- Added functional PASS BRIEF, CHECKLIST, and SYS buttons on the CCP (Cursor Control Panel)
- Improved BELT button audio (Currently the chime is non-functional for this. Fix soon)
- Added SAFETY button chime and announcement and also chime when you turn the SAFETY and BELT buttons off.
- Increased volume of pilot and co-pilot fan air sounds
Known Issues
- Modifications of the flight plan can be slow at times. The cause for this is Asobo's FacilityLoader which they need to fix. When the FMC shows "Working..." it indicates an operation is in progress.
- Sometimes when entering an airway and the exit fix, the airway name will change to the shared airway, however the routing is still correct.
- You cannot currently select Direct-To of a fix on your approach that is not the initial approach fix. This is a limitation of the sim flightplan system at present. We are currently overhauling the flight plan management system to allow for much more flexibility and stability.
- After using Direct-To, the navigation will not always automatically sequence to the next fix and may enter ROL mode. You can re-activate NAV to navigate to the next fix if you encounter this issue.
- The aircraft is still using the built-in MSFS autopilot (for now). All the existing limitations of that still apply. It does behave a bit better with the various enhancements applied.
- Performance pages don't currently have input error handling for wind, temp or QNH. These values must be entered correctly and completly in the proper format for the page to work. Note that valid wind directions are 001 through 360 as of now.
- FLC stability appears to have regressed with the autopilot aircraft energy calculation changes in 1.9.3. We have attempted tuning the autopilot PIDs but as of right now the behavior of the underlying sim FLC PID itself seems to be at issue. We will continue to investigate.
Changes in v0.3.1
- Keep the G1000 from breaking synthetic vision on the G3000 and G3Xes
- Fix WPT-page maps breaking on the MFD when in Track Up.
Changes in v0.3.1-pre2
- fix reversion that caused errors on MFD when using custom engine gauges
Changes in v0.3.1
- Keep the G1000 from breaking synthetic vision on the G3000 and G3Xes
- Fix WPT-page maps breaking on the MFD when in Track Up.
Changes in this version
Main features
- Added track-up mode for both PFD and MFD
- Fixed unwanted U-turn on ACTIVATE APPROACH
- Fixed reversed behavior of NOSE UP/DN buttons in FLC mode
- Added a preference saving system tied to plane model
- Configured it to currently preserve the following across sessions:
- PFD and MFD brightness
- V Speeds
- Track up mode
- Barometer mode
- HSI settings for BRG1, BRG2, and DME
- Support loading plane configuration information even in encrypted planes
- Detect hardware avionics knobs in all models and configure them automatically
- Added support for additional XML-configurable ENGINE pages on MFD
- Lots of changes to colors and styling to closer match reality
PFD and MFD enhancements
- Added a flight path marker on the PFD when in Syn Vis mode above 30kts
- Added new vertical column type gauge for engine display
- Updated circular gauge to support custom gradations and rounding
- Added a new blinking yellow status for engine gauges
- Correctly handle wind data when on ground or wind speed <1 knot
- Fixed reversed wind arrow at all times on MFD
- Improve MFD soft key menus, including new switch for TRACK UP
- Increased MFD max range to 2000 with more intermediate steps
- Move weather radar to MAP page group, only show if radar is on board
- Change brightness of PFD/MFD knobs and softkeys along with display
Styling improvements
- Change PFD and MFD headers to more closely match the real font size, spacing, and colour
- More accurate colors on attitude indicator, horizon, and map; new gradient on horizon
- Updated flight director and attitude arrows
- Updated styling of airport waypoint info page (more to come)
- Updated styling of softkey menus to be more realistic
- Added sample engine page configuration for G36 Bonanza
- Fix false DON'T SINK alert when flying patterns / touch and goes
- Improve representation of whole numbers as decimals