Framework to create database applications based on Angular 11, Bootstrap, Bulma, ASP.NET Core 6.0 and SQL Server. Runs on Windows and Linux. Provides CI/CD pipeline.
Project page:
Prerequisites for Linux and Windows
- Node.js (LTS Version)
- .NET Core SDK (Version 6.0)
- SQL Server (Free Express)
Create new project in empty folder (for Linux use ./ instead of /.cli.cmd)
# Install WorkplaceX cli into an empty folder
npx workplacex-cli new
# Build everything
./wpx.cmd build
# Set database connection
./wpx.cmd config connectionString="Data Source=localhost; Initial Catalog=ApplicationDoc; User Id=SA; Password=MyPassword;"
# Deploy database
./wpx.cmd deployDb
# Start application
./wpx.cmd start
# Open browser to http://localhost:5000/
# Stop server on Linux
killall -g -SIGKILL Application.Server
All configuration (DEV, TEST, PROD) is stored in file ConfigCli.json. Runtime configuration is automatically extracted and copied into ConfigServer.json.
- Get started with: ApplicationDemo (Demo CRM and ERP system)
- "Application/" (Application with custom business logic in C#)
- "Application.Cli/" (Command line interface to build and deploy in C#)
- "Application.Cli/DeployDb/" (SQL scripts to deploy to SQL server)
- "Application.Database/" (From database generated C# database dto objects like tables and views)
- "Application.Doc/" (Documentation images)
- "Application.Server/" (ASP.NET Core to start application)
- "Application.Website/" (Angular application)
- "Framework/Framework/" (Framework kernel doing all the heavy work)
- "Framework/Framework.Cli/" (C# Command line interface to build and deploy application)
- "Framework/Framework.Doc/" (Documentation images)
- "Framework/Framework.Test/" (Internal C# unit tests)
- "ConfigCli.json" (Configuration file used by Application.Cli command line interface)
- "ConfigServer.json" (Generated configuration used by Application.Server web server)
Some versions to check:
node --version
npm --version
dotnet --version
ng --version
Angular CLI: 13.1.2
For Windows:
git --version
git version
Major Minor Patch PreReleaseLabel BuildLabel
----- ----- ----- --------------- ----------
6 2 3
Checklist to update framework to latest .NET, Angular, Bootstrap, Bulma: Update