This is repo running load test with gattling and generate reports. It does following things
Get Gatling Setup into your WORKSPACE or local directory
Take your config and simulations(scenario class) and runs load tests against it
Reports results with Jenkins Gatling plugin
Generate report in HTML. Default gatling
We can run it locally or on CI
Download this repo
Record your load test simulations and put your class in the 'user-files/simulations'
Running it locally
sh {scala_class}
sh GoogleLoadTEST
This will set GATLING into current directory and run load test against your Scala class.
At the end you will see link to HTML report. Open it into browser and enjoy !!
- Running it on CI
Same principal but it will do everything on Jenkins WORKSPACE. Get Jenkins Gatling plugin and configure report
It's not a great idea to run Load Test in the Docker Container but many of people fancy about it so adding Docker file to run it.