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Git Switcher



Global git config cannot keep a few usernames / emails, but sometimes it's necessary to use different git profiles and be able to quickly and easily switch between them. For this just need Git Switcher. The app stores user's git profiles (username & email pairs) and may switch it in global .gitconfig file in one command.


Project is using C++ language, C++11 standard.

System requirements

  • OS: Windows x86 & x64, Linux x86 & x64
  • Software: make, g++, git


git clone
cd git-switcher
make all

You must run these commands as Administrator (Windows) or using sudo (Linux).

Windows version supports using both: command line tools and Git Bash, but for using via Git Bash, users must add the following line to %USERPROFILE%\.bash_profile file:

alias gsw="gsw.exe"

Just run the following command:

echo alias gsw="gsw.exe" >> $(USERPROFILE)\.bash_profile

or open the file (or create it) in a text editor and add the line manually.


You could download precompiled binaries of prefered release.



        -v, --version:                                                  Display installed version
        -h, --help:                                                     Display help
        -c, --current:                                                  Display current user email       
        -l, --list:                                                     Display list of all user profiles
        -a, --add
                --name <name> --email <email>:                          Add new user profile
        -u, --update
                --number <number> --name <name> --email <email>:        Update existing user profile
        -s, --switch
                <number>:                                               Switch user profile
        -r, --remove
                <number>:                                               Remove user profile

Make targets

  • make - compile project (default: build folder)
  • make all - compile project, install app & clean up compiled output
  • make clean - clean up compiled output (project must be compiled earlier)
  • make install - install app (project must be compiled earlier)
  • make update - uninstall app, compile project, install app & clean up compiled output (app must be installed earlier)
  • make uninstall - uninstall app (app must be installed earlier)

Change log


If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me


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