This is the repository of MPIN project which consists of supplementary material and implementation details.
- Pytorch 1.8.1
- Numpy 1.19.2
- Pandas 1.1.3
- Sklearn 0.24.1
- tsdb 0.0.7
- pypots 0.0.9
- torch_geometric
You may use " pip3 install -r requirements.txt" to install the above libraries.
Snapshot imputation for a window:
cd ./snapshot for a window;
bash alone 4 0.1 200 SAGE ICU 10 testMissRate 1;
bash alone 4 0.5 40 ICU 10 testMissRate 1; ### FP
bash alone 4 0.5 ICU 10 testMissRate MICE 1; ### traditional imputers, e.g., MICE
bash 4 0.5 ICU testMissRate saits 1; ### neural network based imputers, e.g., saits
Continuous imputation:
cd ./continuous;
bash data 4 0.5 200 SAGE ICU 10 testMissRate 1.0 true 0.6;
Snapshot imputation for a window:
e.g, bash alone 4 0.5 200 SAGE ICU 10 testMissRate 1
4:window length; 0.5: missing ratio; 200: training epochs; SAGE: base model, other options such as GAT, GCN; ICU: dataset, other options such as Airquality, KDM (i.e.,Wi-Fi); 10: K value of KNN; testMissRate: effect, other options such as testWindowLen, testNumStream; 1: ratio of streams.
Continuous imputation:
bash data 4 0.5 200 SAGE ICU 10 testNumStream 1.0 true 0.6
data: update mechanism MPIN-D, other options such as state (MPIN-M), data+state (MPIN-DM), alone (MPIN-P); 4:the same meaning as above; 0.5: the same meaning as above; 200: the same meaning as above; SAGE: ...
We appreciate the work of SAITS, and their contributed codes available in here.